CH. 3

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Poetrie thought she was having a wet dream when she heard the words, "Open up for me, maw."

Feeling a tap at her left thigh, she heard it again. "Open up for me, maw."

Letting out a cute moan, Poetrie complied. D'Wight opened her legs wider and wreaked havoc on her clit with his skilled tongue.

Inserting two chubby fingers, D'Wight started to flick at her G-Spot in a Come Here motion. Opening one eye and then the other, Poetrie's assumption was wrong. This was the real deal and D'Wight was trying to suck the life out of Poetrie.

After her first release, D'Wight licked it all up, not wasting a drop. Licking at her clit, D'Wight moved to her inner thigh and bit at her. He knew she liked that rough shit. Licking at her clit again, he did the same routine until he drove her crazy.

Pulling at his dreads to get back down and handle his business again, Poetrie got popped.

"Don't be so fuckin' greedy and don't even start poutin' and whimperin'," D'Wight mumbled.

With his long rod, he ran it up and down over Poetrie's clit. When she least expected it, he entered her. Catching an attitude is all D'Wight needed to drop deep and hard hitting strokes.

Straight Up by Ty Dolla $ign featuring Jagged Edge blasted through Poetrie's speakers as she pulled into a parking spot. Taking her time to grab all the materials she needed for the day, she locked up and went inside to start her day.

"Hey Poe'," Sidney greeted at the front desk. Rolling her eyes, Poetrie didn't want to touch this place until Friday morning but she figured she could put in a few hours.

Due to Poetrie and D'Wight's rounds this morning, he had her looking like a hot ass mess. Poetrie did the best with what she could, slicking her hair into a high-bun and slapping on some edge control until she could make it to her beautician on Wednesday.

Unlocking her office door, Poe' sat her things down on one of the two chairs in front of her cherry wood desk.

Sitting at her desk and clicking the On button to the surveillance cameras, she rewinded tapes. Watching them closely, she saw Sidney being rude to a few of the ladies that came in weekly, Arika having no reason to be behind the front desk stealing, and Reem, the after-hours janitor, getting it in on her $5,000 floor by himself.

I need to be here more often, these motherfuckers have too much time on their hands.

Posting on her social media that she would be hosting job interviews, Poetrie shook her head and grabbed up her things to leave.

Disgusted, all Poetrie wanted to do was stop by Target for some Talenti and take a well-deserved bubble bath.

Setting the last box on his kitchen counter, D'Wight felt complete. Switching his number, moving into an apartment of his own, and getting custody of Carter had him on Cloud 9.

He finally could have his shit together without the likes of Tati and focus on Poe', when she would stop playing.

He respected her hustle, had the perfect chemistry with her, and they both had history for someone to believe they had been together for over ten years. Though, when Poe' told him they'd be better as friends it broke his heart.

For the past two years he had been dipping into new things and that landed him in the doghouse right along with Tati. The first year of their relationship was breezy until he found out she would occasionally sip that dirty and snort that white shit. His mother taught him to let old hurt go and try to make old situations better, so he thought he could save-a-hoe.

He went all out thinking he could make her kick her habit. Paid and furnished a loft apartment in a nice area, had her sporting the latest fashions, and had her in her dream car, a Mercedes Benz G-Wagon.

After a numerous amount of failed attempts, he got caught up in her lifestyle himself. That's when he had to love hisself more and take the necessary steps to rejuvenate. As of the time being, he had to make the best decisions for himself and Carter, he didn't need Tati holding him back.


Future👶Mama❤️: Can I get a quick stick?😏


Grinning and already knowing what that meant, D'Wight jumped into the shower and got to Poe' in 30 minutes. If she said come get it, he came running. That was his luh babeh.

Any questions?

Short & sweet chapter, ya' feel me? 😊 I've been slacking more than before with my stories. It's my goal to actually finish something & I'm going to finish, gahdamnit. Off to this Taken update.✌🏾️

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