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"Holy fuck."I state huffing out a puff of air plopping myself into one of the 80's style chairs that reside in the high school's library. My long curly accident fringe covers my eyes, the fringe is a product of not getting a haircut in a while.

"You're 15 minutes late." A melatone voice says to me, one that I've never heard before.

"No Im not, time is just another thing the government uses to conform us to their standards. If I say it's 12:30 then it's 12:30 to me and I'm not late because its what time I believe it is." I say pushing back my fringe only for it to flop back onto my forehead, I leave it alone since it's not in the way of my sight.

In front of me on the opposite side of the table is a gawky boy with glasses slightly too big for his face, and like any normal teen he has a couple of pimples scattered across his face. They remind me of the big one I have on my cheek. The stupid thing has been bothering me all week.

He rest his head in one of his hands and his hazel eyes gives away how annoyed he really is with me being late. I try my best not to make a face back, his nasty attitude is not the kind I like to be around.

"Look I don't have to be here." He said crossing his arms over his chest. " I'm not the one failing math class."

Kicking my feet back onto the table I play with the strings of my hood and sing "And I'm not the one who need 6 service hours."

"Ok Specasaurus let's get this show on the road I got places to be and people to stalk." I demand ignoring the offended look on his face from what I just said.

Suddenly the sound of R2 D2 robot shriek from the first Star Wars movie, no not episode one. The very first one to be released; as you should know I take my Star Wars very seriously.

The Gawky Boy begins to comment on the noise, but I lift up my index finger to say hold on because the panic R2 D2 noise is a special ring tone only for my spies. Yes, I have spies.

I have eyes every where, I smile proudly to myself. 

Creepy, thanks I know.


I jump up out of my chair.

Oh my god.

"Oh my god?" The boy said in a questioning tone looking at me in concern for my mental state. I resist the urge to scream from just imagining what she is going to tell me about Jj and Vikk.

"Just got news on my Otp!" I shout at him not being able to contain my excitement.


"Yeah Jj and Vikk, duh keep up." I said rolling my eyes, how could he not know then the whole school ships their gay asses. "I have a presentation on why they're otp wanna see it, lowkey it might have the beginning of fresh prince of bel-air in the intro. Don't even ge-"

"What's an otp." He ask me interrupting my monologue.

This bitch just cut me off? When I was talking about my one of my otps?

What the fuck is wrong with him.

Breathe, Lynix, breathe he's a sad person who does not know the life of a fangirl.

"Otp is one true pairing." I respond a little offensively and then mumble "Even though I have like 20 of them."

"And are you talking about Vikk whose Junior -"

"Yes! Yes, and Jj who's a Senior. I know Jj is a year older and this is his last year, but let me dream!"

"You do realize they probably aren't gay and you're shipping 2 of your classmates is weird." He accuses me, and I roll my eyes at him.

He's so innocent.

"Oh honey, everyone's gay in this school." I tell him letting out a laughing at how I'm the one who had to tell him.

Gay, Gay, Gay, Gay, GAY! I say to myself laughing in my mind. Damn this school is flooding with homosexuality.

There's Ksistar, Minifrags, 11 years, Merome, Werotofrezzy, Wooflan, and those are only the ones I keep up with.

"Are you gay?" He ask me raising an eyebrow at me. I know he's only trying to challenge me, this bitch thinks he can call me out? 

I let out a laugh picking up my bookbag.

"I'm the gayest bitch here."


I honestly dont know about this chapter but you know what. 

Fuck it

Wait no dont


Unless you have consent.

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