Military Child

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As we travel from place to place
My heart begins to race
Tears swell up in my eyes
As I say my goodbyes

As I must part ways with my closest friends
We both know our friendship won't bend
Our friendship won't break
It will be a piece of cake

As I must leave again, it's hard on me
But this is how it must be
Moving around every few years doesn't get any easier
I feel like I might have a seizer

One good thing out of it all
Is that we will never fall
I don't care about the worries
I'm in no hurry

My family and I get to see many sites
My sister and I will get into many fights
For the long car trip ahead
I wish I had my bed

Making new friends isn't easy
On my first day I feel queasy
Fitting in is always hard
Trying to find out who you are

-Trinity Linville

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