Chapter 5

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----------  3 Days Later -----------


I still hadn't told the boys about Austaila yet. I was too scared of what their reactions might be. They hadn't seemed to have any time for me this week and I was determined to tell them today.

I had told them I had very important news for them and they had to come. They had protested at first but I had managed to convince them. It was only half an hour untill they were due to arrive so I decided to lie down for 5 minutes.

I felt so tierd. Probably from lack of sleep over worry over everything. Not having my internet working so I couldn't find the girl from the concert, the boys not having any time for me and only spending time with their girlfriends, me not having a girlfriend-


"HARRY?!" "HARRY?!" I woke up to screams coming from my door and I went to open it. "Hello, boys come in." I said chilled as if I hadn't been asleep a minute ago. "We thought you weren't in." Said Louis.

"But we could hear you snoring." Niall chuckled. "I don't snore!" I protested. "Oh but you do." Louis said. "Anyway," Liam interjected, "Is there any reason you have summoned us all here or was it just to make us listen to you snore for half an hour."

I through a pillow at him. "Yes there was a reason achually." We had all sat down on the couch by now and I felt the pressure. They wouldn't be mad surely. "Well a couple of days ago Paul called me about doing a gig in Austrailia-" "Really?!" Liam said.

The boys seemed excited. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Zayn asked. "I have barely had 5 minutes with you all this week. You have been so busy!" I said defencevly. "Ok, ok!" Louis put his hands up in mock surrender, "When is it?" Oops, I'd forgotten I hadn't told them that part yet.

I took a deep breath, "We have to leave tomorrow." I said. The boys remained silent. "And what if we have plans with our girlfriend's tomorrow?" Niall said. "I'm sorry." I said, "I should have told you earlier-" "Yeh you should have," Zayn said, "I promised Perrie- "Why is it always about you girlfriends? Do you even care about the band anymore?" We all fell silent.

Louis came and sat next to me. "We're sorry. We know we have been leaving you out but our girlfriend's mean so much to us and we just want to spend time with them. We're syced to go to Austraila but they will feel let down." Louis explained.

"Hey I have an idea," Liam said, "Can we bring our girlfriends to Austrailia and we promise we wont spend too much time with them. They can all hang out together and see Austrailia. That would make evryone happy."

"Who knows you might even meet a girl out there Harry." Louis said raising his evebrows. I laughed.

"Fine you can bring your girlfriends aslong as they don't take over the trip." The boys cheered and tried to flatten me to show thier appreciation. "Get packing!" I said, "We leave tomorrow!"


I must admit Austrailia was lovely, well what I had seen of it. I had been cooped up in the house trying to sort it for the past few days but today I go to my new school for the first time.

 I felt so scared as I put on my uniform and my new black heels. The uniform consisted of a purple polo and a black caridigin. I wore black jeans and my new heels.

I tied my hair up and applied light make up. I grabbed my black bag with red dots and left quickly. It was only a ten minute walk from here and I had walked it with mum for the past two days so I almost know the way.

When I got there the school seemed pretty quiet and I was pleased with this. I hated noise. But when I walked in the noise hit me. I squinted when I saw the walls were painted yellow with purple flowers. Why yellow?

I had no idea where to go but luckly a boy with floppy brown hair walked up to me. "Hey I'm Mark, and you must be Kelly." The boy said. "How did you know?" I asked. "I kinda guessed when you squinted at the walls." Mark said.

I laughed. "Follow me." He said. He led me through the crowds to a door which said 'HEADTEACHER' On it. Mark knocked and then walked in. The office was a mess and I saw a woman sitting with glasses burried under a pile of paperwork.

"Oh hello! Kelly?" She guessed. "Yeh thats me I said and I took a seat next to Mark. "I'm Marie Blaered, Headteacher." She said smiling. I smiled back. "So how you like Austrailia?" She asked. "Yeh Its nice, well what I've seen of it." I replied.

She laughed then handed me my timetable. "You are in most of Mark's classes so he will show you around and I hope you settle in well." The bell went as if on cue.

"Have a nice day!" She said. Mark and I exited the office and the halls seemed even buisier than before. "Don't worry," He said, "Its not that bad." As I followed him to our first class I realised he was atually quite cute.


I frantically packed for Austraillia and thought to myself why didn't I do this before? I knew! Just then I heard a knock at the door. Just when I didn't need interuppting.

"Hello I'm Kin-" It was the electrition guy with my new internet system! "Come in come in!" I usered. "Please get started right away I need this running as soon as possible.

He laughed and set to work. I could finally look for the girl from the concert again! I couldnt wait! He seemed to be done really quickly and he abrubly left needing to see to his next customer. I had waited so long and it only took him 10 minutes!

I grabbed my phone and began typing in the numbers again. No, not her, nope. None of the girls were her. I took a deep breath. The last number. This one had a name too. Lilly Olut. But it still wasnt her. My heart dropped. I had reached a dead end.

--------------- Author's Note-----------

Thanks for reading and voting :) sorry about the confusing updates :/ rewrote the chapters to make the story more interesting :) hope you like it ♥. 15 votes before next update? Thanks x

Avoiding the truthTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang