Part 9

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"y/n c-come back. We need to s-start the tests." Alphys calls for you.

You turn around, not realizing the whirring sound. Just as you step to the side to walk back to Alphys a laser like blast goes off almost hitting you. It was aimed in the spot you were just in. You jump away, terrified, and quickly run over to Alphys. You heart is racing and you want to cry from the shock. Sans is panting. Alphys holds you, trying to calm you down.


You eventually calm down. And so does Sans. Sans has decided to pace along the back wall, his claws clicking against the tile floor.

"y/n a-are you okay? I n-need to start the tests" Alphys tells you. You nod.

Alphys lets go of you and walks back over to the keyboard. She types in another code and pulls out a vial with an orange fluid inside from her lab coat. She plugs the vial into the keyboard like a flash drive. The fluid is sucked from the vial. You don't know where it goes, or what it's for.

The computer announces a code, then it counts down from 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 . . .

Sans gives an ear piercing screech. His left eye is half blue half orange. Sans covers his head with his front claws like he wants something to stop. He stops screeching and falls on his side, panting. You watch in shock, wondering what he must be going through.

"Sans! Sans!" Alphys yells at the Gaster Blaster beast. He moves his head to look at Alphys. Alphys grabs a clipboard and writes down some notes. "Sans, d-do you understand me?" Alphys asks him.

Sans nudges closer to the bars still staring at Alphys. She writes down some more notes. She looks up at Sans and smiles, "okay, Sans, are y-you ready for-"

Alphys's smile quickly goes away as Sans rapidly gets up and runs at the bars, banging into them head first. He stumbles back, shaking his head. Alphys writes down some more notes.

"Sans, I-I don't know if you can understand m-me, but I'm going to s-start the marrow extraction" Alphys says as she presses a button on the key board. The old vial pops out and Alphys replaces it with a new empty vial. She then types in another code.

The computer announces "bone marrow extraction", then counts down from 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 . . .

Sans stands very still. Alphys writes down some notes.

The computer announces "extraction complete".

"O-okay. You look p-pretty tired so I'm going t-to end the test" Alphys tells Sans. Sans continues to stand still.

Alphys goes to type something on the keyboard, but right before she can Sans growls loudly. She turns around with a hum. Sans tilts his head at Alphys then looks over at you. He looks sad. Sans lays down with his muzzle pressed against the bars. He reminds you of a begging dog. Alphys writes down more notes.

Gaster Blaster Sans X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now