Part 51

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"I thought I told you to stay away from Y/n!" Sans yells.

"I didn't hurt them, now did I?" Gaster says. He puts his arms out as if to give a hug and seem innocent. Sans just growls more. "Besides, Y/n isn't what I need right now" Gaster continues. Sans stops growling. "What I need is your brother."


"P-Papyrus?" Sans mumbles. He takes a few steps back, holding his skull.

Gaster holds out one arm, the fingertips glowing purple. Off to the side there is a glow of purple. It starts off dim, then gets brighter and brighter until there is a flash of light. Where the flash of light was stands Papyrus. He has the purple glow around him and he looks unconscious.

"Papyrus!" Sans yells. He runs towards his brother.

Gaster lowers his arm and Papyrus drops to the ground. Sans scoops Papyrus up in his arms, crying.

"Nyeh? Where am I?" Papyrus asks, his eyes slowly opening.

"Oh Papyrus. Are you hurt? How do you feel?" Sans says rapidly, panicking.

"Alright you two, enough" Gaster interrupts. Sans looks up at him, fangs showing. "Y/n, won't you be a darling and take Sans home?" Gaster asks you. A purple aurora surrounds you and Sans.

"I'm not leaving! And neither is Y/n!" Sans growls at Gaster. The purple light leaves you and Sans.

"Alright, if you insist. But both of you better play nice. I have some work to do" Gaster announces. An empty needle rises out of Gaster's goop and into is hand. A cage of bones surrounds Papyrus, pushing Sans out of the way. Gaster walks over to Papyrus, needle at the ready. Sans raises both arms and a row of bones shoots out of the ground heading for Gaster. With a flick of the wrist, Gaster sends the bones ricocheting back at Sans. Sans rolls out of the way.

"Why do you even need Papyrus?" you shout at Gaster. Everyone looks at you. Gaster laughs.

"Because my dear human, I want to be whole again. I need DNA from my own kind to rebuild myself. Along with a few other things." Gaster tells you while whispering the last part to himself. "Ah, yes you may be wondering 'why not Sans?' Well Sans was a mistake. And Papyrus is the only living and functioning monster with MY DNA. Now then, you have interrupted me and my work, so will you PLEASE excuse me?"

Gaster holds the needle and sticks it through the bone cage bars. Papyrus scoots away. Gaster sighs and uses his magic to grab Papyrus and pull him closer.

"S-Sans!?" Papyrus calls for help. You look at Sans and see a purple flicker in his eye. Sans walks over to Papyrus, sits down and puts his arms through the bars.

"Shhh. Just hold on Papyrus. Everything will be okay" Sans tries to sooth Papyrus by stroking his back.

"There you go~" Gaster says. He sticks the needle into Papyrus's arm.

"OWEY!" Papyrus yelps.

"There. Now was that so hard?" Gaster asks as he pulls out the needle.

The bone cage bars disappear into the ground. Sans falls into Papyrus's arms. Sans motions for you to come over, his eye flickering purple again. You walk over studying Sans before you sit down next to him and Papyrus. Gaster walks away, carefully holding the needle.

"Sans will you watch over these two while I go away for a little while?" Gaster asks. Sans nods his head. "Thank you. I'll be right back!"

A rip in the air opens up and Gaster walks through it. You don't see what's on the other side. The rip closes. You are left here in this endless place with two skeletons.

Gaster Blaster Sans X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now