Chapter Five

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        It's now Thursday, and it actually snowed for the first time this year. Apparently it doesn't snow until the end of December here so everyone at school is freaking out. Which is funny because in America it snows at like the beginning of November, especially in Utah. We are sitting in class in the middle of a spelling test and a kid named Lennie stands up and points to the window.

       "It's snowing!" He shouts and the whole class gasps and runs toward the window. I just laugh shaking my head. Harry runs back to his seat and looks at me grinning.

      "Isn't this exciting?" He says and I giggle.

      " I guess so." I smile.

      "Why aren't you excited? This means I can make a snowman for Christmas!" He shouts and I chuckle.

      "In Utah it snows at the end of October until the end of March. So I don't really like snow." I reply and his mouth gapes open.

      "Are you kidding me? If we are lucky, it snows at the end of the December and a little in January. This is a miracle!" He shouts.

       "Students please sit down and finish your test!" My teacher shouts and everyone in my class scrambles to their seats. I look at Harry once more before finishing my test.


        Our teacher excuses us to lunch and I follow everyone out the door. I meet Harry next to my locker, and we walk to the lunchroom. When we're done, we get outside and I immediately regret my dress choice. I wore a pink t shirt that happened to say "Summer Love" and I wore skinny jeans and my blue polka dot shoes. I don't know why I didn't bring a jacket. I rub my arms as I followed Harry onto the tether ball courts.

      "I'll let you serve first." He says and I smile taking the ball in my cold hands. Snowflakes fall from the sky as I back up, preparing for my serve. I smack the ball and he hits it back. I try to hit the ball but it was so cold I couldn't move. "I win!" He shouts and I shrug sitting down on a bench. "Are you cold?" He asks me and I nod. He slips off his jacket he's wearing and hands it to me. I smile.

       "Are you sure?" I ask him and he nods. I put it on and immediately feel warmer. Harry sits next to me and as I'm about to say something to him, I hear Zack shout towards Harry and I.

      "Oh my gosh! The freak and the nerd are cuddling! She's even wearing his jacket!" He screams with laughter and his other friends all join him. My cheeks turn red and I look down. They run up to us and I'm hit in the face with a snowball. Harry gets hit as well. I look over at Harry to see his eyes welling up with tears. "What are you going to do baby? Cry?! Go ahead you loser! Cry!" Zach shouts and Harry buries his head in his hands as he starts to cry. I don't know why but I stand up furiously and push Zack to the ground. His friends crowd around us as they watch me repeatedly punch him in the face. Blood is gushing from his nose as he screams pushing me off him.

       "I'M SO SICK OF YOU TREATING US LIKE NOTHING. I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" I scream with anger. I look back at Harry and he is motioning me to stop. I look up to see my teacher Mrs. Hansen . I quickly hop off Zack and he stands up as well.

       "I was just playing basketball with my friends and she came up to me, threw me on the ground, and beat me up!" Zack cries and my mouth drops open. She better not believe this crap.

       "That's all bull crap! I-" I am ready to fire back at his stupid remark but I'm cut off by my angry teacher.

      "Not one more word out of you Ms. Stevens, come with me. Now." She spits and I look at Harry as I walk with her inside. She leads me to the principles office and I sit on a couch as she walks into a room. I stand up and look through the window as she is talking to the principal Mr. Taylor who picks up a phone. I sit back down glancing at my hands. My fists are covered in Zack's disgusting blood. The door opens and Mrs. Sheib motions me to come inside. I walk in there, wiping a few tears that are falling from my eyes.

     "Have a seat." She says and I sit down.

       "Bayley Stevens. You're new here aren't you? It's a shame you've already gotten yourself in trouble." Mr. Taylor says and I put my head down. It's quiet for a moment until the door opens again and my dad walks in. He looks at me, amused. I watch as he sits next to me and my principle begins to speak.

     "Care to explain yourself Bayley?" He asks me and I nod.

      "Yes! Harry and I were sitting on the bench and Zack and his stupid friends started making fun of us and then they threw a snowball at us, and then Harry started to cry and, and I couldn't control myself so of course I jumped off the bench and pushed him down!" I shout and then I begin to shake with sobs. My teacher softens her expression and she takes my hand.

      "Bayley, I don't know what to believe." She says and I shake my head.

      "Do you honestly think that I would beat him up without a reason?" I ask her and she looks at my dad.

     "Bayley usually doesn't cause harm unless she has a logical reason to." He states. Mr. Taylor nods his head.

      "I will have to call Zack in my office later today and ask him to tell the truth." He says and we talk for a while more before he excuses me to go home with my dad.

       I get in the car and my dad sighs.

      "I'm pretty disappointed that you beat that boy up..." He begins and I look down. "But I'm going to push that aside because you actually stood up for yourself. Just try to control your emotions next time Bay. Alright?" He asks me and I smile, nodding.


      It's about 6:00 and I've just finished my dinner when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. It's Harry. I dismiss myself from the table and walk to my bedroom.

      "Hello?" I answer.

      "H-hey." He says.

       "Whats up?" I ask him.

      "I was just wondering if you got in really big trouble for standing up for me today." He says and I chuckle.

      "Not really. I mean they weren't to impressed with the fact that I almost broke Zack's nose but they are letting it pass since he was being mean to us." I say and he sighs.

      "Oh good. Well thank you for that. I means a ton." He says and I smile.

      "It's no problem." I reply.

      "I've never had a friend that would stand up to bullies for me." He quietly states.

      "Aww, well I will do it for you anytime." I reply. "Well I have to go! See you at school tomorrow!" I finish and he says goodbye before hanging up.


A/N wow sorry that took so long to update! please vote and share this story with others! Thanks! -Ciera

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