Chapter Thirteen

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         "I'll pick you up around 4:00." Harry tells me through the phone. It's Saturday and we are going to a movie and hanging out at his house for his birthday. I'm sitting on the couch watching a rerun of Full House and eating a bowl of rice I made myself for lunch.

          "Great, see you then! " I say before hanging up. Just as I set the phone down, a very loud THUMP from upstairs, shakes the house. Adreline shoots through my body and I look behind me, checking the kitchen. I'm home alone because my dad is at work. I pause the TV and nervously listen. It's eerily silent and I'm about to puke. I stand up, making as little sound as possible and walk towards the stairs. I peek up the staircase. The light from my room peers into the hall. Another thump leaves me running out the door in sheer panick mode. You know how you learn Fight or Flight in situations of terror? Yeah, I'm the type of person the flees the scene as quickly as possible. I run to my neighbor Steven's house, and pound on his door. His wife, Mindy, about 27 years old opens the door holding their youngest in her arms and greets me. "PLEASE COME OVER TO MY HOUSE, THERE IS SOMETHING UPSTAIRS AND I AM REALLY SCARED!" I shout almost in tears. It is now that I realize I'm still in pink sweats and a yellow T-shirt that I slept in. Steven appears behind Mindy.

        "Is everything okay?" He asks me.

       "Babe, I think you need to go over there, and check out the house." Mindy says to him and he nods following me to my house. I make him open the front door and he slowly walks inside, searching the whole bottom level. Everything is fine, and then he heads upstairs. I succeed behind him, sweat dripping off my forehead. He looks into the bathroom across from my room and looks back at me, shaking his head. I sigh as he makes his way into my room. Hope he doesn't mind the mess, I think to myself as he walks inside. His eyes scan the whole room before looking at me shrugging. Suddenly I noticed two giant boxes on the floor. I immediatly burst into embarassed laughter. I can't believe I'm so stupid. I had forgotten that I had the boxes full of books on my bed and I knew they would fall of eventually. I explain this to him and he chuckles shaking his head.

       "Well I'm going to head back over there, but are you okay now?" He asks me and I nod smiling. I follow him down the stairs and wave goodbye to him as he leaves my house.


      Three o'clock comes sooner than I think and I go upstairs, to shower. When I get out, I pull a sweater I got from Christmas over my head and I put on some plain jeans. I blow dry my hair leaving it down. I put some feather earrings, into my ears and I put on some grey vans on my feet.

       Harry's mom, arrives thirty minutes later and I leave a note for my dad on the counter for when he gets home. Grabbing Harry's present, I get into the car, and wave to Anne and Harry.

      "What movie are we seeing?" I ask him shutting the car door.

        "I'm not sure. Whatever sounds exciting when we get to the theater." He informs me. We drive through Holmes Chapel for ten minutes before Anne drops us off at the movie theater. The movies that are playing, are Despicable Me, Insidious and some movie called Oblivion. Harry turns to me and shrugs. "Which one sounds intriguing? My mom gave us each ten bucks to cover the movie and popcorn."

        "I'm not picky. Whatever you want to see?" I respond and he sighs.

       "Does Despicable me sound okay? I don't do well with scary movies and Oblivion sounds boring." He tells me and I nod.

       "Yeah, that sounds good."


      I sit through the one and half film, laughing my head off. It's then, when I look at Harry who is laughing in the illuminated room that I start to think that he is actually pretty attractive. This is not good Bayley. I don't want to ruin an amazing friendship I have with him. I can't actually form some sort of crush on him. Stop it. I think to myself. The movie ends with the credits popping up on the screen and we exit the theater.

      "I'll text my mom." He says and I smile. Five minutes later, Anne pulls up into the parking lot and Harry and I get in.

       "How was the movie?" She asks us and I hold up two thumbs.

      "It was hilarious. You and Gemma should see it sometime." Harry tells her.

      "What was it called again?"

      "Despicable me."

      We stop at a pizza place, picking up two boxes of pizza and then head to his house.

      "Do you like video games?" He asks me.

      "It depends on what you play." He leads me to a shelf full of games. Most of them are playstation2 games. I pull out a favorite of mine, SSX and hand it to him.

        "I used to play this game all the time when I was younger!" I exclaim and he grins.

       "Really? I love this one, the graphics are insane." He puts the disk in, and hands me a plate. "Help yourself." He points to the box of pizza on the table. I grab a slice of pepperoni and put it on my plate.

       "I'll be upstairs if you two need anything." Anne states as she makes her way up the staircase.

       "Thank you so much!" I tell her before she disappears. "Oh, before I forget, here is your present." I hand it to him.

      "You didn't need to get me anything Bay." He blushes. He called me Bay. My mom used to call me Bay. Freak I'm really liking this kid.

       "Of course I did. And if you don't like it, the receipt is there and you can take it back." I inform as he takes the watch out of the bag.

      "Wow, that's really cool." He pulls out the package of Twix and chuckles. "Thank you so much. Bayley, you're a really great friend and I'm glad you haven't turned on me like my other friends have." He says quietly. A piece of me dies inside.

       "Of course Harry. I will never turn on you. You're too good of a person." I smile and he blushes redder than before. "Shall we play?" I motion to the snowboarding game that is paused on the screen.


       "HA, I WIN!" He shouts in my face and I giggle.

      "That's because I let you." I lie and he chuckles.

     "I'll be back, I have to pee." He blantly replies and I laugh.

     "Okay." I finish off my third piece of pizza. Harry has eaten five and I wonder where he stores it all.

       At about 10:00, after like hours of fun, Anne drops me off. I wave to Harry thanking him for such a fun day and I walk into my house.

      "Hey Dad!" I exclaim. He turns and smiles, pausing the news.

      "How was it?" He asks.

      "It was great. We went and saw Despicable me, and then grabbed pizza and played video games and stuff the rest of the night. He's really awesome."

      "Do you LIKE him?" He chuckles and I smile. Do i?

     "Nah, he's just a really good friend." I laugh. "I'm going to bed now." I say and dance up the stairs.


A/N There ya go! I hope you are enjoying this. I love writing this story! Sorry the updates take so long, I'm always so dang busy. Please vote and comment, that'd be great! Thanks :) -Ciera

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