Chapter Six

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       I wake up to my alarm clock buzzing in my ear. I slowly pull myself from my bed and walk to my closet pulling out a long sleeved shirt with Bambi on the front. I sigh to myself as I pull off my shirt, thanking the world above, that I wasn't suspended for getting in a fight. I grab some blue skinny jeans and my white shoes and then brush through my hair, putting it into a braid. I head downstairs, stopping at the bathroom to brush my teeth, and then I walk into the kitchen expecting to see my dad eating cereal but instead it was empty.

        "Dad?" I call out.

       "I'm in here!" He shouts in his bedroom. I walk in and he is lying on his bed, still in his pajamas.

      "Aren't you going to work dad?" I ask him and he coughs.

      "I think I have the flu, so I called in sick." He says, his voice raspy.

     "Do you want me to stay home and take care of you?" I ask him and he chuckles.

     "No,  but I don't think I can drive you. Could you call your friend Harry and see if he could give you a ride?" He replies and I nod.

      "Sure, do you need anything? I can make you some soup?" I question and he shakes his head.

      "I've got it, don't worry about me." He smiles and I nod shutting his door. I grab my cell phone and dial Harry's number. He answers within two rings.

     "Hey Harry! Could your mom give me a ride to school, my dad is sick." I ask.

     "Yeah, I'll tell my mom. See you in five minutes!" He says and I thank him before hanging up.


      "Thank you Anne!" I say as I close the car door and follow Harry inside. We get to our classroom and I sit in my desk. I look over at Zack, who has a fat lip and a black eye. He is glaring at me. I gulp and turn to Harry. "So what happened after I left yesterday?"

     "Well I went to fourth hour and we started an art project, but then the principal came in and called Zack to his office. I got worried when I didn't see you with him." He says and I smile.

     "I'm just glad I didn't get suspended. I've never been in a fight before, I don't know what controlled me to do that." I say just as the bell rings, starting school.


       The bell rings for lunch and I follow Harry out the door. We walk to the lunch room and Harry gets in the line while I sit down and uncover a peanut butter sandwich I quickly made this morning before I left. I look over and happen to see Zack. He is glaring at me, even more than before and I quickly look away. I take a bite of my sandwich and look across the tables to see Evelyn, a girl in my class, and some of her friends laughing about something. She looks at me and rolls her eyes before turning to her friends and giggling some more. I know they are probably talking about me. I'm used to it I guess. Harry pokes my arm as he sits down and I smile as I turn to him. I can't help but watch as he picks up a french fry and consumes it. I'm starving and the sandwich I have isn't doing a thing.

      "Are you doing anything after school today?" I ask him and he nods.

      "My mom is taking Gemma and I to our grandma's house for the weekend. I'm excited!" He grins and I nod.

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