Chapter 27

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After he told Phil he felt a whole lot better.

But now he kept worrying about Phil.

Dan didn't wish depression on anyone. Not a living soul deserved it in Dan's eyes. Especially not someone as wonderful and caring as Phil Lester.

Dan fell asleep first that night. He had his head rested on Phil's shoulder, with one arm around Phil's back, the other on his chest. Eventually he just passed out.

Phil actually ended up scooting Dan down a bit, then he moved down as well, and he wrapped Dan in his arms.

They fell asleep just holding each other.

Dan had never felt more safe, loved, and genuinely happy except for when he was with Phil.

And Phil had never felt so close to someone until he met Dan.

There was still so much more to Phil than Dan even knew. He had merely scrapped the surface of Phil's life.

Phil made everything seem like it was fine, when in fact, it was not.

Dan tended to have a habit of just letting things brew until they bubbled over.

But Phil acted differently, he covered everything with a smile. He faked mostly all of his smiles and confidence.

Dan just hoped that maybe now he could be happy, and Phil could be happy.

They could be happy, together.

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