First day

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(Maria's bikini)

Maria's P.O.V.
I heard loud beeping noises.
"Maria!!!" Acacia said, "wake up! Today we get away from Karmen." My eyes flipped open, that's when I remembered. We were going to total drama!!
"Let's get ready!" I said.
We got ready in our pattern, and just because of how bad chefs cooking is, we ate before hand. We got in a car.
"Think, maria." Acacia said, "no Karmen, no seeing joze, no burromuertos. Just us, and the world as our playground."
"Sounds to good to be true." Then we heard Chris introducing the cast.
"Season THREE of total drama!" Chris said, "the world is mine, sea to shining sea. Unfortunately, I have to share this world with A traveling freak show. They'll be competing all around the globe, for another million dollars!!! So, let's meet our players; Courtney, duncan, Heather, Gwen, leshawna!!" After that I heard some talking, but it was muffled. "Lindsay! Owen, DJ, and Harold!" More muffled talking. "Returning favorites; Noah, Cody, AND...." more muffled talking. "Yep! Izzy's back! Also returning this season, Tyler and the co-host of total drama aftermath, Bridgette!" Muffled talking again. "And.. Ezekiel. Now to spice things up, we're adding 4 new competitors. He's an honor roll student with a diplomat for a dad. Also with an amazing ability to charm the pants off most species. Alejandro!!" Muffled talking a bit more. "And she's a sugar addicted super fan with 16 total drama blogs... Sierra!" Muffled talking again. "She's kind at heart, and is in love with anything she can eat... acacia!!" The talking was muffled again. "She has a 5.0 GPA, and the principal's her dad, she can also charm anyone... and mean ANYONE. It's.. maria!" I walked out of the bus, and smiled.
"Thanks for the intro Chris." I said, and stood by acacia. He nodded, then a plane went by and chef was driving it. It looked... unsafe.
"What the-" duncan said.
"Excuse me," Courtney said, "but I'd like to express concern for the safety of this plane."
"Relax." Chris said, "it's perfectly safe." Then, a part of the plane broke off, and animals went crawling out of the cargo.
"No!" Owen screamed. "I can't ride in that!! Call the united nation! Call a cab! Call MY MOM!! No! I'm not doing this! I'm out! This is unethical!!" Chris hit him in the head with a pan.
"Anyone else got a problem with it?" We all said positive things about the plane. "Now boarding on a voyage to a million big ones!" We walked into the plane during the intro song.
"Singing?" Gwen asked. "Really? I thought Chris was joking about that."
"Well, I don't have a problem with it." Courtney spoke up.
"Yeah!" Leshawna said, "because YOU like singing!"
"Well I dont! Girls sing. Little birdies sing. Duncan's do not sing." Duncan said, angrily.
"Do you think I'll get to beatbox?" Harold asked.
"I'll beat ya if you try!" Duncan spat.
"WHY are you doing this to us?" Heather asked.
"Singing reality shows are HUGE." Chris answered, "and the worse the singing the higher the ratings.. Which is why on this show. There will be no vocal courses, or rehearsals, or WARNING!" Complaints were heard all around. "Anywho, THIS is the dining area, where you'll enjoy in flight meals."
"Not for long, eh?" Zeke said, "prepare to lose to the Zeke!"
"Okay," Gwen said, "SO not trying to be rude, but you DO know you got voted first last time, right?" She had a point.
"Word." He answered, "and I spent every minute since making sure that don't happen again. I'm stronger, faster, smarter--"
"Chattier, blabbier, can't shut up-ier!" Chris interrupted. "Now zip it and let me finish the tour!"
"Is there a ladies room around here?" Leshawna asked.
"Just through there!" Chris pointed down a hall.
"Good!" Leshawna said, "cause I gotta make a deposit!" She went down the hall, and we walked down to an area with two benches, with Owen sleeping on on of them, buckled up. It looked unsafe.
"Losing teams will enjoy a luxurious economy class between destinations!"
"Okay." Lindsay said, "but where are our beds?"
"Owen," Chris said, and everyone just began to notice him, "care to demonstrate?"
"That. Does NOT look comfortable." Heather said.
"Nope! No comfort for losers! Safety harnesses, emergency exit... but no comfort here, here, OR here."
Sierra began laughing as she walked up to Chris. "Hahaha Chris, I am just lol. Hahaha!" Brown noser much??
"We should hit the winners compartment, eh? Cause I ain't never gonna sit back here, NEVER!" Zeke said.
"Is never your policy on mouthwash, too, homeschool?" Noah asked, making a face.
"Good question!" Acacia said. I smirked, holding in a laugh. She always knew how to make me smile. We went up to a better looking place.
"This is first class cabin. The domain of each weeks winners!"
"Gentlemen like you two deserve this kind of treatment." I said to Tyler and DJ. DJ had a light blush, but Tyler looked sad.
"Lindsay's supposed to like me." He said.
"Maybe," I said, "she's blind to how much you have to offer her, you deserve someone who can see the beauty of your kind soul." This time, Tyler's face looked a bit pink as well. We walked into an even better looking place with Cody and Harold and Chris talking, but honestly, my focus was dying. We went back to the dining area.
"And," Chris said, "that's basically it. I didn't show you the cargo hold and gallery, but you'll find those later when I 'accidentally' lock you in them!" The plane started, and Bridgette landed in Alejandro's lap.
"Señorita?" Alejandro asked. "Are you okay?" I saw the same fake caring emotion just as I did! Oh.. he's good!
"Is the earth moving?" Bridgette asked.
"Nope. We are!" Izzy said.
"One more thing." Chris added, "I'm sure you remember something called... the elimination ceremony? Takes place.. right in there my friends!" He pointed to a door and we walked in. "If you don't receive a barf bag full of peanuts--"
"I got a peanut allergy, yo, or more like a sensitivity." Zeke said. He was getting on my last nerve.
"You will be forced to take the drop of Shame."
"Okay." Zeke said. "I just don't like--"
"Kinda like this!" Chris said, and shoved Zeke out.
"Yes!" Acacia said. "I mean, a sucks to be him..." I smiled at her.
We all went back to the dining area.
"Every minute we're getting closer to adventure... and further from mama." DJ sulked.
"It's okay DJ." I placed my hand on his. "I'm here for you." I noticed a glance from Alejandro. Then, I heard Sierra being super stalkerish to Cody.
"Yeesh." Acacia remarked. "Stalker much? I would start ten feet away from her at all times, Cody." She winked at him, and got a lot of muffled laughs, but a glare from Sierra. We heard a bell ring.
"Whenever you hear that friendly little bell," Chris said, "it's musical number time!" Chris said.
"But what do we sing?" Courtney asked.
"You have to make it up as you go. It wouldn't be challenging otherwise." Chris answered.
~Come Fly With Us~
Chef then went on the mic and trash talked Chris.. how smart. Then he cursed. Great job, cheffy. We then arrived at Egypt. It was beautiful.
"Well, its a scorcher out here, huh?" Chris asked. "I call today's challenge pyramid over under."
"An 11 hour flight, chefs in flight meals, a musical number, and NOW a challenge?" Leshawna remarks.
"Don't ya just love this show?" Chris asks. He explained the challenge, and we were almost ready to leave, but then, Zeke interrupted. While he was talking to Chris, Acacia spoke to me. "I'm gonna tag along with Courtney. She's.." acacia began.
"It's okay. I agree with your decisions. No matter what" I said, with true compassion. Acacia is my bff, and my sister.
"Thanks!" She exclaimed. The challenge started and acacia went to Courtney. I looked over the mountain, and heard Bridgette and Lindsay fangirling over Alejandro. Then, he came down and picked up Bridgette. He went to pick up me and Lindsay, but I stopped him.
"Do not worry señor," I said, "I'll carry Lindsay." We carried then all the way up the pyramid.
"It's too steep for me to carry you down." We both said at the same time, and smiled at one another.
"I'm a surfer!" Bridgette said, "I can surf!" She pulled out the sign on top of the pyramid and we all got on. She took us all the way down.
"Ladies!" Alejandro said, "after you!" I allowed Lindsay and Bridgette to walk ahead, but when I Alejandro and I went to walk forward, Chris stopped us.
"Not so fast! This season... 3 teams! You two go over there." We walked to a different area. "If it's any consolation get......" Tyler came tumbling down the pyramid.
"Tyler?" I asked.
"Yep! You also get..." Owen and Noah excited the pyramid screaming. "Congratulations." Chris said.
"That's.... wonderful!" Alejandro said, with a fake smile.
~Maria Confessional~
¿Por qué carajo Chris nos puso en in equipped de Parras? (Spanish)
We also ended up getting Sierra the stalker on our team. Just great. FML.
I looked on the top of the pyramid, and saw Gwen, Courtney, duncan, and acacia all tied together. Chris then tried to make them do a reprise. But, duncan flipped out and ran all the way down the pyramid, and quit. Leaving the others on the last team. Team one decided to be named team victory. Team three was now team Amazon, and thanks to Sierra, we were team Chris is really really really really hot. FML FML FML. That's just.... great. Not!!!

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