Super Happy Crazy Fun Time Japan

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"I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!!!!" Owen screamed. Man, economy class stinks.
"Stop sweating lunch box. Air travel is like the 15th safest in the world. Unless your in a death trap." A part of the wall broke. "This one for example!" Leshawna almost fell through the hole, and Alejandro caught her. Owen then blocked the hole.
"I could've done that. I just prefer to leave the ladies wanting more." Harold says.
"Oh, trust me." I answered. "I want more."
Owen began freaking out. Man, I miss Acacia. We then joined chris in the common area.
"Welcome to today's challenge. But before we begin. Maria, missing something?" I nodded. He tossed me my bottle of pills and a small cup of water. I took two and drank the water. I tossed the items back at him. "Its-"
"Is it a reward or elimination?" Harold asked.
"Good question! Aannd, like I'm gonna tell ya! I hope you brought your large radioactive monster repellent, because we're about to land in.... Japan!" Chef came out wearing a Chinese costume.
"Gosh, you guys! That's totally a Chinese outfit!" Harold said.
"Thank you harold." Chris continued. "Now remember, anyone who doesn't sing--"
"Just, you'd really think you'd work harder to get it right." Harold snarks.
"Harold!" Chris snaps. "Anyone who doesn't sing is immediately disqualified."
"Your culture is just, gosh!" Harold argued. Then, chris broke open the door, and we began falling out the plane.
~Before We Die~
We landed in a bowl of rice.
"Japan!" Harold jumped. "Yes! I know so much about this place!"
"What you know, just got us thrown out of a plane!"
"But I went to sensei Steve's fuedal Japanese summer camp!"
"Oh yeah! I speak Japanese too! Leshawna Hana no o yoni Kerry." Alejandro spoke up.
"I speak spanish!" I chriped in. "Harold, es guapo y tiene habilidades loco." I saw jealousy bubble up onto Alejandro's face.
"Huh?" Harold asked. "I said, your are handsome and have mad skills."
"Oh! Very true!"
"I know." We all began walking towards chris. Alejandro caught up with me.
"Why do you take those pills?" He asked. I noticed Acacia next to my other side.
"I'm, uh, a perfectionist! They're vitamins."
"No they aren't." Acacia said. Alejandro looked confused.
"How do you know?" He asked.
"I'm Maria's sister." She answered.
"Huh?" He asked.
"Adoption." She answered.
"Acacia!" I said, "I'll begin telling people what those pulls are really for, once you tell people about...."
"You told Chris."
"Because he HAS to know! It's on my file!"
"It isn't that bad..."
"To me, it is."
"What is it?" Alejandro spoke up.
"Do you not trust me?" He asked, and I felt a wave of guilt.
"I trust you! Its just, I don't like talking about it."
"I see. When you feel ready, come to me."
"I will."
"Okay.." Chris said, "Your first part of your challenge will be at the inside a Japanese game show studio! Bow down before... Super human mega pinball smash!" Chris said, and tyler and harold began feeling out. He rang the gong to interrupt them. "Oh look, my own personal nerd gong!" He said. "K, I'm going to need 1 person from each team to climb into these giant hamster balls, then, your teammates are going to beat you around the gameboard." The people who went was;

Alejandro + cute panda
DJ + rabid panda
Cody + Sierra

The winning team was obviously ours. Chris then showed us a commercial of total drama action, and told us all we had to make a commercial. My team was able to pick what we needed first. He showed us some candy fish tails that we had to make a commercial for. We went into storage, and I had a plan to sabotage team victory. As we were leaving, I stopped at harold.
"Good luck, amor. But I wish I was on your team, because, you have great leadership skills, and can improve the world greatly with your ideas." I stated. I left, and we began setting up our commercial, and owen was talking to himself. Alejandro ate a candy fish tail, and threw up.
"Why did you even try that?" I asked.
"I have no idea.." He moaned.
I laughed. "Your cute when your disgusted." He smiled at me. After we finished the commercial, we watched our commercial. Harold's vision sucked a lot. We had this in the bag. The Amazon's was also sucktacular!!! It had a dead bird.... Yet, somehow, the fucking won!! Victory lost.. And I noticed Alejandro sweet talking to Harold, and complimenting leshawna. I watched the ceremony, and dj was about to go, but then, harold quit. Yes! This plane just got less annoying!!

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