Shinya x Reader One Shot "When We Feel"

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(A/N) I will normally end up putting "One Shots" in as fillers mostly/ when I don't have any motivation what so ever

~Gomenasai GraalianAnimes

Your POV

*During Class*

"Hiragi Shinya!"

"Oi Hiragi Shinya!"

"Are you listening to me!?!"




"Eh, sorry..."


You glance over towards your right, inspecting this yell fest, that was annoying you to the brim.

You try to take in what was happening...

Shinya-san, and Sensei... were eto... arguing???

"Hiragi, either pay attention in class, or get out, NOW!" Sensei yelled at the silver haired male.

"Fine..." a sleepy Shinya responds, his silver hair now shielding his face to hide his utter boredom.

You always liked Shinya, like, he was so nice, friendly, and don't forget, SO FREAKING KAWAII! Buuuuut, he never paid attention in class...

(Author-chan nosebleeds) o///o

You take this time to take in the pale male's features carefully... His luscious silver white hair, his perfect jawline, and his soft titanium blue eyes that only showed playfulness.

You never saw the guy sad.


*Ding Dong*

*Ding Dong*

"Grrr... I swear Hiragi, next time to take up class time your going to be sent to the principles office for after school detention" Sensei screamed at the poor soul, who was now getting a tick mark above his forehead.

The other students were filing out of the classroom, trying hard not to listen on in the conversation between a Hiragi and a teacher, while you just took your time, getting your bag ready, preparing to leave for lunch.

You were real good at multitasking, and it came into effect now. You were preparing your bag, and at the same time you were listening in on the argument between teacher and student.

"Well at least I helped the other students not get bored from your boring teaching, right sensei!" a ticked off, yet happy Shinya responds.

"How dare you~~~" Sensei responds, trying not to show his pure anger at just a lowly student.

You finished getting your bag ready, which contained your bento box, and you were about to head out of class, before...

"Ummm, (Y/N)...right?" a slightly blushing Shinya asks.

"Eh, yes? Do you need something?" you respond sweetly.

"W- Well, I noticed that you actually pay a-attention during these classes, whereas I d- don't really... so... I was w- wondering if you wouldn't mind helping me a b-bit with the homework... d-during lunch?" a now uncontrollably blushing Shinya asks.

You blood rises to your cheeks, and your (E/C) eyes dilate, big to small, small to big, continuously.

All you manage to say is, "S- Sure, get your stuff together and we'll head o-out." You didn't even bother to look at the silver haired male as you said that, as you didn't want him to see you blushing.

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