Shoe-shopping and Phone calls

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Before I start this chapter, I wanted to put something out there first. Well, if you read the previous chapter, it said Ariana's tattoo artists name is Zonnique. Just to make it clear, this is NOT Zonnique from the OMG Girlz. I just used that name because I thought it was a lovely name, and wanted to put it in my story. Am so sorry for those who pictured Zonnique from the OMG Girlz.

Ariana's P.O.V

It has been two weeks ever since my break up with Jai, and I never thought i'd say this, but am feeling so much better. I mean,because of one boy, doesn't mean my life has to be on hold. I even have an album coming up. Its called YOURS TRULY. People always told me I sound like a mixture of Christina Aguilera, Whitney houston and Mariah carey. That is such an honour, considering that Iam a huge fan of all three women.

But I just havn't had fun career wise. I made a lot of good friends. Me and Justin...and yes THE BIEBER...decided to post pictures of us kissing on facebook. It was a spicy publicity stunt, but it was aimed to get back at jai. It turns out he's having a twitter fling with Cara Delevigne. I don't even know how long they've been doing it,but there's  a possibility that he's been cheating on me.

But am not going to think of Jai. Am to busy with filming SAM & CAT. Right now am in my dressing room getting ready.

"AH-RI-A-NA!" Jenette came, bursting into my dressing room shouting like a mad woman making me jump. "AAAAAAAGH!"i screamed like the little girl I am. "Gosh, almost gave me a heart attack!" I told the blonde."Well...i've always been a handful." she said winking. "Anyways...i've been sent to tell you that shooting starts in five." she told me a little seriously. "Kay, i'll be done in a few." She left the room. I gave my self one quick glance and I left too. By the way, yes I do my own make-up.

*****************************************SIX HOURS LATER**********************************************

"Oh holy fish sticks, I am tired." I complained. "And we only shot one episode!"Jenette said happily. "Tell me about it!" I replied. "Hey, can you go shoe-shopping with me?" Jenette asked."Sure love, when?" I asked. "Like......right now."she said, knowing I would say no. "Right now! Jenette....for Pete's sake am so tired that I could-" I was cut of. "Please Riri! We'll only go to one store." Jenette said giving me her best puppy dog face. "Fine!" I said giving her a smile. "YIPPEE!" Jenette celebrated, she started to bounce making her blonde hair bounce too.

"Which store are we going too?'' I asked Jenette. "WestWood...its this new store that opened last week,and its right opposite STARBUCK! she told me excitedly. "Oh please.....I bet its not that awesome!" I said cheekily. Boy was I proved wrong. We just entered a few steps into the store. has a crap load of shoes. I ended up buying shoes. I bought these amazing blue 5 inch heels....a pair of pink 3 inch heels, pink VANS and purple & black high-tops. We had a great day I must say. When we were done shopping, we went to starbucks for some vanilla latte's.

"So....have you heard about the new Lilly Collins movie." Jenette asked. I grinned at her. "You mean MORTAL INSTRUMENTS:CITY OF BONES!?" I dramatically said. "Yep! I can't wait to see it, plus am a huge fan of lilly collins, plus i've read the books too so I already know it will be great and-" Jenette was interrupted by my phone ringing. "Sorry, I think I should take this." I apolegatically told Jenette. She nodded. I didn't know who was calling.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"May I speak to Ariana Grande?"the voice said

"Um...this is her."

"oh, hi Ariana."

"Hi." i said with no emotion.

"You have no idea who your talking to, do you?'' the voice chuckled.

"Nope." i popped the P.

"My name is Harold Zwart, iam the producer of the new movie...Mortal instruments."

" Mr. may I help you."

"Good question,girlie...we'll be done shooting the movie in three weeks. But were also doing a few songs for the movie and soundtrack."


"I was thinking...that you would record one of our duets."

"Really! m-m-m-me!" Is said happily.

"Thats right, why don't you come by Set tomorow. I 'll have my P.A send the adress."

"Sure!"  I said still smiling. and then hung up.

"Oh my Gosh Jenette, you'll never guess who that was" I said as I ran back to her. "Who?" she asked excitedly. I told her everything, making her bounce again. We both started jumping and shouting, earning us stares from the starbucks customers. But I didn't care, Iam too  happy to care. But wait Mr.Zwart said a duet.

Who am I singing the song with?

Almost is never enough(Ariana Grande and Nathan Sykes Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now