Good Food and Dancing in The Rain

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Ariana's POV

I made sure I woke up on time, which in my case was around nine in the morning. The girls and I prepared froot loops for breakfast and watched the morning episode of Kickin' It on Disney XD. No asked me who I was texting the previous night.

"Look, our video has already been favourited 1400 times!", Zonnique exclaimed. "What, you put it on twitter....why?",I asked them. "Well,with my amazing twerk skills,why not?",Liz showed off. "Besides, you were barely in it, who were you talking with last night?",Jenette asked me. Oh no, busted.

"I.....I wasn't talking to anyone.", I lied. "Really, then what were you doing on your phone that kept you so busy."

"I was playing....Angry birds.", I lied yet again. "Mmm....whatever, whose up for lunch later?",Liz asked. Everyone else agreed, but Of course I had other plans in mind so of course I had to decline.

"Sorry I can't come.", I simply said. "In fact, I have to leave right now.", I said as I Rose up to retrieve my overnight bag. "Your going already?", Liz asked in confusion. "Yeah, there's something I need to do, I'll call you later,Kay?"

Liz nodded. I said goodbye to everyone and went outside to call a cab to take me home.

Nathan's POV

I glanced at the my wrist watch several times. I can't believe that I am finally taking her out for lunch! The truth is, I really like Ariana. I liked her the moment we recorded the duet together. Her voice an angel. It adds to her beauty.

I decided to text her to tell her am on my way when it was 12:20.

Nathan: hey gorgeous, on my way....

Ariana: Sure, just finished getting ready :)

I stood up and went to get Jay's car keys, since he let me use his car. She texted me the directions to her apartment and headed to pick her up. The seven minute drive seemed like hours due to anticipation, but evetually drove into her yard.

I got out of the car, and like the gentleman I am I knocked on her door instead of barging in. minutes later she opened the door. She looked stunning in the purple short dress she was wearing She wore it with black converse and had a little bit of make up on.

"Wow,you look great.",I complimented her. she smiled at the ground."Aw, I bet your just saying that.",she shyly stated.

"No, I truly mean it.",I replied. I gently reached for her hand and led her to Jay's car. I let her in the passengers seat and took the drivers seat. "so, do you wanna tell me where we're going?",she asked. "No, I don't like spoilers.", i told her. She playfully pouted. O gosh, she looks so adorable when she pouts.

To calm me down, I played my favourite single by John Legend. When the tune started Ariana's eyes lit up. "I love this song!",she happily said. I began to sing.

Nathan:Girl im in love with you

This ain't the honeymoon

Past the infatuation phase

Right in the thick of love

At times we get sick of love

It seems like we argue everyday.

I sang melodically, and I was joined by Ariana herself.

Ariana:I know i misbehaved

And you made your mistakes

And we both still got room left to grow

And though love sometimes hurts

I still put you first

And we'll make this thing work

But I think we should take it slow

Both:We're just ordinary people

We don't know which way to go

Cuz we're ordinary people

Maybe we should take it slow (Take it slow oh oh ohh)

This time we'll take it slow (Take it slow oh oh ohh)

This time we'll take it slow

I didnt realise we had reached the restaurant. Singing with Ariana is breath taking. "Woah, we're eating at The Moore? This place has great food!", Ariana said. The Moore is a vegan restaurant, since Ariana only eats vegan, I wanted her to come to this place.

"Yeah, I heard about it from Tom and Kelsey.",I said. "Shall we?", I said as I intertwined our hands. her hands fit like my t-shirt. I keep on having more reasons to be liking ariana more. We got an outdoor table to enjoy the fresh air and a mexican boy came to get our orders.

I ordered grilled shallots with noodles while Ariana ordered potatoes and chestnut gravy. The food was really great. Ariana and I had small talk. "You know Nathan, I really enjoy singing with you.",Ariana said shyly.

"Is that an invite to be spending more time with you?",I said smirking. "I guess you could call it that",she replied. Just when we were in the moment, Truly,Madly,Deeply by one direction began to play.

I saw ariana swaying in her seat. I took that as a hint."May I have this dance?",I asked her. She happily nodded. We waltzed around on the patio. We gazed at each other a couple of times. Then a few drops started to pour. But we kept dancing.

"Then it started to drizzle, then the other people moved but we still kept dancing. Then seconds later it was full frontal raining. We looked at each other then smiled. We kept on dancing. Dancing in the rain.

Then I dont know what happened, I guess it was one of in the 'In the Moment' situations, cause I leaned in and smashed my lips on hers, the best part is that she responded immediately.......

Hi Everyone!!!! Hope you had a great Christmas!!!!

Almost is never enough(Ariana Grande and Nathan Sykes Love Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant