Read!! :)

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Hey dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its Diamond!!!!!!!!!!

Now I know you guys were expecting an update, but i can totally explain.

Plus I have some bad news.

Well, i may put ALL my stories on hold until December the 4th.

Please understand, its cause my end of years are coming up, and I need to get better grades because this determines whether I get into year 11.

Remember when I was having my mid-terms and I was updating? Yeah, I kind of flunked a few subjects!!

But I promise to update by then, and maybe if you'll be lucky, I may update if I find time.

And to my followers don't think am online, it just shows that because I forget to log out.



Almost is never enough(Ariana Grande and Nathan Sykes Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora