Love Songs and Competition

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Ariana's P.O.V

Its been one week since I've spoken to Nathan. I can't help but blame myself. If I had been honest with myself and returned his kiss, we wouldn't have been in this awkward situation, cause all I want is Nathan and I to be on good terms....and I absolutely loved the kiss, despite it being short.

I sighed and walked into the kitchen to make breakfast. I turned on the radio, I found DON't STOP by 5SOS was playing, I was not that familiar with the song, so I just danced around while I made myself some Nutella and toast.

After the quick meal, I dresses up in pink polo T-shirt, white shorts and pink vans. I headed to the studio just to work on a few new tracks. Immediatel I entered, my mate Frankie welcomed me with a huge grin on her face. "Hey girl...boy, do I have a surprise for you!",She chirped.

I shrugged. "I hate surprises." 

"Oh but you'll love this one....oh and these are for you.",She said while handing me a bunch of pink roses. The sweet aroma of the flowers hit my nostrils, making me smile. 

"Check...theres an note!'', She said. I scanned the bouquet, and found a little note:

sorry I've been avoiding you...I just needed time to think....but please don't hate me cause if you did I'd hate myself....I love you to the moon -Nathan

When I read the note, my smile grew wider. He still cares! It was a huge relief. "So who is it from?'',Frankie questioned. "Nobody!'', I excitedly muttered. I ran away giggling into the instrument room, only to be more surprised.

There right in front of me was Nathan....dresses in a bunny costume.

Before I could say anything,I burst out in a fit of laughter because of how silly yet cute he looked. "Nathan, what are you doing?",I asked between giggles. "Sshh...just listen.",He cooed. He walked to the piano and began to play.

"Girl I see it in your eyes your dissapointed, Cause I am the foolish one that you annointed with your heart...I tore it apart and girl  what a mess I've made upon your innocence and no woman in the world deserves this but here I am asking you for one more chance.",He started beautifully.

"Can we more time,stop the tape and rewind...but if you walk away I know I'll fade cause there is nobody else...its gotta be you....only you....its gotta be you....only you.",He finished of even more beautifully. 

"Nathan James Sykes,you have stolen my heart.",Iadmitted. "What I don't get is why your dressed as a rabbit?",

"Well...Jay said no one will reject an adorable rabbit.",He said smirking. "You don't have to dress up as a cuddly animal.....I adore you just the way you are.",I told him.

"Oh that reminds me....your eyes your eyes make the stars look like there not shining.",He started singing. "Nathan, no.",I stopped the boy. 

"Any way....I wanted to apologise for what happened at the restaurant...its just like everyting was like in a romantic novel or movie and I thought I wasn't rushing you into things....I guess what I am saying is-"

Nathan was interrupted y a man's voice. 

"I am looking for Ms. Ariana Grande.",The man said as he walked into the room. When I turned to see who it was I almost fainted.

Chris Brown

I had a fangirl moment by screaming and jumping to hug him.....totally forgetting about Nathan

Almost is never enough(Ariana Grande and Nathan Sykes Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now