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Kiaras POV

Andre kept showing up more frequently in the following weeks. I tried my damnedest to ignore him, even trying to switch up my hours. He'd leave gifts on the desk, send flowers almost every day, it was getting beyond ridiculous.

While he continued to pester me, I grew closer to Xandria. We would talk every spare moment I had and she seemed to be stabilizing. We stayed away from the topic of her mother and soulmate, instead discussing our views on everything and nothing.

As I headed into work, sighing at yet another case of flowers, I was confronted by a disheveled Andre. Before I could tell him to get lost, he threw a hand up in a silencing motion.

He's gonna lose that hand, was my immediate thought before he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Is there any chance..." I cut him off immediately.




"You won't even listen?"


"Please just listen..."

"Fuck off."

"DAMNIT RENATA!!!" He slammed his fist down on the desk, panting slightly. I didn't even blink, crossing my arms and screwing my mouth shut. "I'm sorry, kiara, please I didn't mean to..." I threw my hand up, more than done with his shit. "Ya done? Good. First off, do not call me that, not if you want to keep your tongue. Secondly, go away, I'm not dealing with you, and I'm sure as hell not falling for your bullshit. Now leave, forget me, I really don't give a shit what you have to say." With that I strode past him, trying to keep my anger in check.

Andres POV

She... walked away? I fucked up, no doubt about it. Despair threatened to wash me away as I headed out to my car. I didn't mean to call her that, I thought, but she's so much like her.

(Flashback to a hell of a long time ago)


The thought was the only thing I could focus on, everything else blurred and shifted. My lungs struggled to suck in air, my legs nearly lead. But I had to keep running, I had to get these supplies to my family.

I stumbled and heard the shouts of men chasing me intensify.

I failed you mother

A hand wrapped around my bicep, and I was being yanked into a doorway to the side of the road. Before I could shout a slender hand was wrapped over my mouth and a blade was held against my throat.

"Silence fool." They hissed, quieting as men ran past, not even glancing in their direction.

As soon as they passed I was released, and shoved away from them. I whirled and was faced with a rather short girl.

"You're a girl? A rather small girl." I added unwisely, her reaction was terrifying. She was before me in a second, knife inches from my man parts and a cruel smile on her face. "Wanna repeat that, idiot?" I shook my head and tried not to move a muscle.

I looked into her kaleidescope eyes and shrank away, it's her, my other half.

She froze and stared at me blankly, then burst into a fit of laughter. "Oh my, I've a soulmate, do I? Wonderful! Someone to join the fun!" She gave me a horrifying smile, loaded with malicious glee.

"What's ya name, friend?" She asked, strolling away with my stolen goods.

I jogged after her, unable to stop my curiosity. "I'm called Andre, and you are?"

Her smile was more sharp now. "I'm called hemlock around these parts, but ya can call me Renata."

A/N Im not the one who originally made this AU but I did want to add to it. When meeting ones soulmate both parties have to have complete eye contact for the bond to be recognized. Just, ya know, thought that'd be a nice thing to add.

Ok bye now.

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