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Izaak's POV

Today was hell. There was no way to sugarcoat all the shit I had to deal with, and I really just wanted to forget everything. I'd been called in a little before 2 am because a semi had T-boned a bus. There had been three people who died on impact, two who died on route, three others on the table. We'd only managed to save one. God I hate these days; nothing hurt more than knowing you did everything possible and still failed.

My hair was still wet from the shower at the hospital and my clothes clung to me slightly. Thankfully it was still early fall, so the ride home wasn't entirely unpleasant. I trudged up the stairs to the apartment, bone tired and really just wanting to fall into a small coma to catch up on all the sleep I've been missing lately.

The smell of warm fudge and mocha wafted through the door and I instantly perked up. Pushing into the small apartment I noticed the nest of blankets on the floor in front of the TV and the plethora of snacks and horror movies lying about. I followed my nose and the now audible sound of Lula humming to the kitchen.

I entered as she pulled a pan of piping hot brownies out of the oven, they smelled absolutely delicious. I slumped against the doorway, watching Lula as she went to the sink. "Sooo, shitty day? Cause I am totally up for horror and cuddles right about now." I tried keeping my tone light, but it cracked and was nearly inaudible by the end.

She immediately stopped washing up the few dishes she'd used and turned, opening her arms invitingly. I wrapped myself around her small frame and buried my head in her hair. She usually avoided any type of physical contact, but I had always been an exception, she knew I needed this just as much as she did.

"I thought you'd want to relax, and I'm feeling like a horror movie marathon right now, so win-win." she pulled away and headed back to the pan of cooling brownies, cutting them up and plating them while I headed to the fridge for some milk.

"Wanna talk about it?" I inquire, peaking around the fridge door. The knife clicks as she places it on the counter. "The same argument, and then meeting a girl who's grandmother was like me, but she was happy. How can I be happy, Izaak, when nobody thinks I should be allowed to, when everybody thinks were freaks?" She leaves me standing there, still and sad, when something brilliant occurs to me.

I know how to make you happy... but would you ever forgive me for it?

With a plan building in my mind I head out to the living room for some rest and relax time with my best friend.

/couple weeks pass/

Lula's POV

Izaak has been acting weird lately.

Harlan: Maybe he's planning a surprise for you?

Asher: Or he's an alien and his people are about to take over the earth...

Have you been drinking energy drinks again? Those aren't good for you!

Asher: but they taste SO GOOOD!!!

Stop drinking those things you idiot.

Asher: NEVER!!!

Harlan: You're giving me a headache.

Asher: Good.

Izaak's calling, now hush.

I grab my phone and smile at the picture of Izaak that popped up. It was him trapped in a corner, screaming, as I held a tiny frog towards him, it was one of my best memories with him. I hit answer and put the cell up to my ear.

"Heyo, what's goin on?" I hum, slinging my back pack over my shoulder and waving goodbye to Missy and Maria as I start to head in the direction of home.

"Lula this is super important, I need you to head to the café on the corner, not the blue one, the yellow one. I have something that you need to know." Before I could start to question him, he hangs up. "Well that as just rude." I heft the pack more securely onto my shoulder and start the ten minute walk.

Hey guys, any ideas?



They didn't seem like they were listening in at the moment. What could it be that I needed to know? Was he hurt? Was he sick? My heart stopped for a moment, before starting up a more frantic rhythm. I don't want to lose him, he's my best friend, he's my family. I didn't realize right away that I was running, but I couldn't stop, I had to make sure he was ok.

I reached the café in half the time it'd normally take, and my chest was heaving. I stepped into the café, instantly searching for Izaak. I spotted him sitting with two other men, and something in my stomach said this wouldn't end well.

As I went to take a step the two men looked up and locked eyes with me.

Asher: Hey baby.

Harlan: At last, we've finally found you honey!

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