Missing Colors-Continued

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A few hours earlier...

Jacks POV

Today had been eventful to say the least. First I was awakened by Blake screeching that we were late to clinical, then I was forced to speed dress and didn't even get any breakfast. And of course we had to haul Roland cause he's slow as hell. Then crashing into that kid and ditching Roland.

And the bastard never even showed up!

So here I am, getting my ass chewed cause I was late and making excuses for Roland, all on an empty stomach.

I zone out on the lesson, a recap of the functions and ailments of the lower intestine, waiting for the hour to be over so I could meet up with Blake at this cute little café and chow down.

A/N author would like to note that café has no name cause I literally can not think of anything, sorry.

My stomach starts making unholy demon whale noises, calling the attention of Ms. Jackson, who glanced rather scarily in my direction.

"Yes Mr. Prescott, would you like to add something?" She seemed ready for whatever snarky remark I was about to make, so I didn't disappoint her.

I smirked and stretched, "only that my lower intestine seems to be try to sing the song of its people. Quite lovely, don't you agree?"

I could hear snickers and giggling throughout the room and Ms. Jackson looked defeated. "Please feed yourself next time so as not to interrupt my class."

As she turned back to the smart board her desk timer went off, signalling that it was time for lunch. She smiled at us and pointed to the door.

"Out, I need to eat if I'm to teach you for five more hours." With that everybody fled through the doorway, ready to make use of the two hour reprieve.

I started making my way towards the café, head bent over phone as I sorted through new emails and messages.

"For the love of God Trinity, if you don't slow down I'm going to strangle you!" Came a shout to my left. I looked up and saw a rather colorful girl sprinting my way. She caught sight of me and stopped almost immediately, leaving about a foot of space between us.

She was a cutie; her dark hair shot through with very color of the rainbow pulled into wild pigtails, her overly large paint spattered Jean jacket, her black wholly skinny jeans, all hanging on a very petite frame. And topped off with stunning gold eyes.

I was transfixed, I'd never seen such a warm color, and I realized that this rainbow pixie girl was my soulmate.

I opened my mouth to say so something, when she shrieked and jumped at me, wrapping her slim arms around my waist and burying her face in my chest.

I stood shocked and watched as her friends came walking up, looking both concerned and mildly apologetic.

"I thought we talked about this Trinity, you can't hug random strangers." Said a tall boy, reaching forward to de-tangle the shorter female.

She turned her head and growled at him. "Purple, mine." Then she stuck her tongue out at him and hid her face in my chest again.

He turned to me and raised and cocked his head, then shook his head and smiled. "Good luck man, never thought we'd get rid of her." He slapped me on the back and headed off with his friend following after him, smiling slightly at us.

"Ummmm?" I started when she let go and smiled up at me, looking for all the world as if she won the lottery. "Come on hot stuff, we gotta go celebrate!!!" She grabbed my arm and tugged me after her friends while pulling her phone out and shooting off a text to someone.

"Where we heading?" I asked, amused as she dragged me along, she so adorable. She pointed ahead to the café that I planned to meet my friends at and I thought that it just couldn't get anymore perfect.

Damn this has been an eventful day.

We entered and headed for the largest table in the back, and I scanned the place for my guys, not here yet, damn. But as I was looking I noticed Sophia and Jean were there, with the kid I squished this morning. I waved and they stood, making their way to the larger table.

Trinity smiled at the kid and released me to attack him with a hug. "WE BOTH GOT ONE, I mean yeah yours is a bit of a douche but I'm sure he'll come around. LETS GET FOOD!!!" She dragged him over and he sat wedged between Sophia and Jean, making me curious as to how they knew him.

Trinity's friends started firing questions, and I did my best to answer them, but the one kid seemed oddly subdued. Blake finally showed up, along with Bri and Nan. They pulled up chairs and started asking their own questions, barely letting me eat. When there was finally a break I looked at the kid, who I now knew was Damian, and opened my mouth to ask how he knew them when Blake interrupted.

"Sophia you seen Roland lately? I can't get ahold of him." The question was harmless but I saw Damian flinch and look down into his food. Jean draped his arm over the smaller boy, and Sophia patted him on his head.

"I sent him to speak with Mother and Father." She said venomously, stabbing her cake viciously. I cringed and could see my friends do the same while the others looked confused.

"Ouch, what he do that warranted such harsh punishment?" Drawled Bri, crunching into a carrot and making a face.

She really didn't like carrots.

Sophia looked down at Damian and he shrugged. She cleared her throat and stood gesturing for him to do the same. He was so small, barely 5'5, dressed in baggy cargos with grease splotches and tiny holes here and there, and his shirt was a tad large, and just a simple black.

Nan and Bri cooed at him. "You are so cute!" They chorused, he scowled and it just made him look like a pissed off bunny.

"Well," started Sophia, "this here is Damian Corbin, and he is my brothers soulmate."

There was a moment of silence, and then Trinity, Leo, and Jane freaked out.

They grabbed Damian away from Sophia and made a sort of barricade around him and glared at us, even Trinity glared at me.

Ummmm, wtf?

Blake groaned and handed a twenty to Bri and Nan, obviously having lost the gay or straight bet. I focused back on Sophias and sighed.

"He didn't take it well?" I inquired already knowing the answer.

"Yup." Grunted Jean.

I nodded and turned back to the others, spreading my hands and trying to calm them. "Ok, you gotta understand, Roland was raised where your soulmate is obviously the opposite sex. And if they weren't you were obviously wrong. So I think he's just having a minor freak-out and I'm sure he's gonna be very sorry. He hates hurting people."

They relaxed their positions and turned to look at Damian, who merely nodded and turned to head out of the café.

"Where's he going?" I ask, sidling up to Trinity. She shrugged and cuddled into my side.

Very eventful indeed.

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