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Lulas POV

The sound of pencils scratching against paper mingled with the sporadic groans of hopelessness and hushed swearing. I had already finished the test, with a little help from Harlan, and was resting my head on my desk, impatiently waiting for the bell to signal my freedom.

Asher: Tsk tsk tsk, you should feel ashamed of yourself! Using Harlan to cheat on a test you forgot to study for.

I did study, but SOMEONE decided to be an ass and sing as loud as they could at THREE IN THE FUCKING MORNING!

Harlan: Calm down now, Asher already got his punishment, no need to keep yelling at him. I bet he feels just awful, don't you Asher?

Asher: NOPE!

The bell cut into our silent conversation, drawing sighs and groans of joy. Despite my earlier impatience to leave, I waited until the room was nearly empty before standing to leave, Nobody really bullied me like Alyssa and her group did, but I did tend to get shoved around and knocked into things.

Two more hours, then I can go home and sleep.

Asher: We could protect you, if only you would tell us where you are. We would make sure you'd be happy.

Harlan: We really do love, Lula. Please just let us show you that.

I'm not going to, I don't want you guys to deal with this. Harlan, I know for a fact your mother wouldn't approve, and I know how much you love her. Asher, I know you'd drop everything and move here, you'd be throwing away your dreams about being a professional football player. I'm not worth that.

I slammed my walls into place as I headed for the library, drained and numb. As I reached the doors screaming erupted behind me, followed by delighted cackling.

"THAT WAS A FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR BLOUSE!" Came Alyssa's shrill voice. curiosity got the better of me and I turned to find out who tried to take the Queen Bee down a peg. Surprisingly it was a rather short girl in what appeared to be a... cowboy hat? Yup, the pixie of a girl was clad in ridiculously baggy jeans, a green plaid button up, and a cowboy hat.

She was holding a now empty thermos and was still cackling at the coffee drenched Alyssa. I'd unknowingly drifted closer to the strange pair, and couldn't quite help the giggle that slipped from my lips at the livid red of Alyssa's face.

That was a bit of a mistake.

Alyssa's head snapped in my direction, a sneer crawling across her face as she spotted me. Everyone knew what was about to happen, so they cleared out. I was going to get the ever loving shit beat outta me, and they didn't want to be witnesses. It's not that they hated me, it was more that they were afraid of Alyssa, and I couldn't really blame them.

The hall emptied quickly; leaving Alyssa and her lady thugs, the strange pixie girl, and myself. Her heels clicked sharply against the tiles as she stalked towards me, sneer changing to a malicious grin.

I should probably ru...

I couldn't finish my thought before she grabbed a handful of my hair and wrenched my face up. The sudden pain caused me to cry out. I really wanted to say I was used to this, but pain is pain, and I'm not a huge fan of pain.

My eyes watered and I struggled not to flinch away, showing fear just made it worse. There was a blur of green, the sound of bone crashing into cartilage, and an earsplitting shriek. I was released as Alyssa stumbled back, hand to her face and blood oozing between her fingers.

The pixie stood in front of me, fists raised and murder burning in her eyes. "Oi, you wanna try that again? Cause I can guarantee I can drop every single one of ya." Her voice was dark, holding all the violence of a raging sea.

I could see the fear in Alyssa's eyes as she ordered her ladies to back off. They made their escape rather quickly, and then it was just me and the terrifying girl. She turned to face me and I couldn't help but flinch away.

Her eyes were sad as she studied me. "Um, so. I don't usually attack people. and I wont hurt you. do you have, like a quiet place? I'd like to get to know you." she seemed so awkward, she barely looked me in the eye, preferring to stare at her fidgeting hands.

I cleared my throat and nodded towards my original destination, the library. "We could talk in there if you'd like, nobody really goes in there all that much, so yeah..." I trailed off and headed for the library, leaving it up to her if she wanted me to follow or not.

I nodded to the little old lady sitting behind the main desk, reading what looked like a romance novel. I weaved through the stacks until I reach a secluded alcove I'd cleaned out and fashioned into a nice area.

When I turned I was honestly surprised that the girl had followed me. I motioned for her to take a seat as I took the other.

"So, are you new? I've never seen you before." I asked, curiosity once again peaked.

Harlan: Curiosity killed the cat.

Yeah, and satisfaction brought it back, now hush.

She fidgeted with her hands again, "yeah, well my names Missy, my mate and I decided a fresh start is what we needed. we aren't exactly, accepted, back home." She became quiet and looked kind of scared. I fluttered my hands uselessly and huffed. "Me and my friend aren't exactly 'accepted' either, as you saw, Alyssa is my biggest fan." My tone dripped with sarcasm.

"My names Lula by the way. You'll probably hear them call me lulu Lula." I cringed at the nickname.

Her eyes flared in recognition of the name. "Oh I've heard about you, it was actually the reason I dumped my coffee on that bitch. She was saying all these horrible things about you. So you have two soul mates? That's so neat! My grandma, she was like that too and her daddy kicked her outta the family, but she got back at him by being happy. Unfortunately my Momma turned out like her grandpa rather than her momma."

Asher: See, we could be happy.

I'm not having this argument again Asher.

She nudged me back to the world, smiling softly. I sighed sadly and laid my head on my arms. "So who is your mate? I bet their amazing." she smiled dreamily. "Her name is Maria, She is the most perfect being ever. Doesn't hurt that she's an absolute goddess either. She's one hot Latina."

I kept her talking about herself, carefully avoiding any topic that would turn attention in my direction. I managed to do it until the end of school, I even walked with her to the front doors, feeling somewhat safe by being near her.

She suddenly squealed and sprinted towards a tall dark woman. Missy was definitely not lying about how beautiful she was. Thick black hair fell in soft waves over her tall figure. Her face was gentle and warm and her skin glowed like amber. She scooped up the pixie into arms, speaking excitedly in Spanish and peppering the small girl with kisses.

Before Missy could notice me, I left. My heart twisted painfully in my chest and I could feel a headache building up behind my eyes. I couldn't help bit to feel incredibly alone in that moment.

Asher: We love you baby.

Harlan: We will always be here for you, whenever you're ready.

I know, I know...

A/N So I'm sorry that I haven't updated in awhile. But I just got a new computer and thought I'd write this up as a special gift for a friend of mine. So thanks for reading and shiz. See ya next time lovely potatoes.

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