Chapter 12

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"So this is Locanda del Fiore di Venezia!" exclaimed Sir John as they were led to their Venetian apartment. He drew back his hood and gawked at their temporary housing. Windows lined two sides of the main parlor. One side overlooked a courtyard, the other overlooked a waterway.

Once inside, they brushed off the cold and took in the sight of their home. The floor was made of dark polished wood; the top half of the walls were painted a deep blue and garnished with gold flecks of paint, the bottom half of the wall was made of marble and from the marble came carved out columns spread every two yards for support. There were two fireplaces in the great room, a sofa upholstered with a light yellow fabric, a chaise, and several recliners. At the back of the room was card table and several feet from it was pianoforte made of mahogany.

Two doors stood next to each other at one corner of the room. One door led to their bedrooms, the library, and the finest washroom any of them had seen. The other door led to the servants rooms and connected to the kitchen and other passageways that brought the building together. Nettie declared immediately at their arrival that she was tired, proceeded towards the servant's quarters. Without a moment's hesitation, Sir John ordered her to stop and informed her that she was to sleep at the inn as a guest as per the requests of Georgia, Monsieur Rossignol, and himself.

Satisfied with her lot, Nettie helped Georgia to her room. "What an adventure we're in for, Miss. Makes me glad we left England."

"Will you stay here with me, Nettie? I do not wish to be alone. My thoughts are turning dark."

"Of course, I'll stay, dear. What do you mean?"

Georgia sat and removed her shoes and stockings. "My thoughts go to him. I wonder if he is alive and if he is well. I wonder if he has been trying to get back to me from wherever he went and if he is looking for me. Would he be hurt by my coming here?" She asked. Would he be here?

Nettie unlaced Georgia's outer dress and helped her into her nightgown.

"I ought to tell you not to go down to that party, Georgia, but I wonder about it myself. When he left me he seemed broken, but there was something brewing in his mind. He risked death by acting as he did, but he did it anyway. And he never hurt you— not when he was still around. I wonder if he has been in as much agony as you."

They both climbed into the bed, forgetting their many months of querling, and resumed their old pattern of two friends gossiping in the night. But where had her poet gone? Would he come back for her if she decided to marry their mysterious host? Her heart was torn in two and her mind was at a loss. She wanted her poet, but this new stranger was offering her things she had only dreamt of.


Sir John was the first to awaken in the apartment and upon entering the parlor he found food and coffee waiting for him. He also found a strange man dressed in a black jacket with gold buttons that ended at his waist, black, formal trousers completed the look. He stood erect when Sir John entered.

"Buongiorno, Signor Lafoy! My name is Bernardo Carlozzi. Signor Rossignol hired me as your translator. He is most eager to know if Signorina Daniels and Signora Blankenship's gowns fit."

"In this weather?" Cried Sir John. Beyond the window, it was raining and grey clouds sat like a dreary blanket over the city. "He wants them out in this?"

"Signor Rossignol desires nothing but their happiness. He has sent over cloaks for the three of you to make the weather more bearable. And the seamstress is but two streets away. Transportation will be waiting for you. Shall I have Signorina Daniels dress sent to the seamstress?"

Sir John nodded and called for his servant, Delia, to wake Georgia and Nettie. "Will Mr. Rossignol be offended if I hire my own translator?"

Bernardo bowed his head slightly, causing his small, round glasses to slide down his nose. "Signor Rossignol encourages it, but I should like to inform you that I am the only translator who speaks English in Venice this season. There are many who speak French."

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