Chapter 3

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I snapped open my eyes to a clap of thunder. My whole body tensed up. My eyes darted from one corner of the small white room I was lying down in. Where was I? What happened? Who brought me here? Questions flodded my mind. I wanted to ask someone but according to what I saw, there was no one else in the room except me. I sniffed the air. This was the place I dreaded the most. The hospital. I shot up, wanting to just escape from this horrifying place, just when a sharp pain shot up my back. I winced in pain.

As quickly as I could, I plopped back into my tiny white bed. Memories of what happened slowly came back to me. I was racing with Grace when I went through whatever I went through. Then, the world turned black. I wondered how long has it been that now, no one bothered to give me 'Get well soon' cards and presents. Just then, the slight shuffling of feet broke the silence. I tensed up. Who could it be? The doorknob turned. The door opened slightly, so slightly that only a small ray of light could shine into my room. My heart skipped a beat and thoughts about what could happen raced through my mind. Who in their right mind would come and visit a patient.I shook the thoughts out of my head as the wooden door opened even further. I panicked. I saw a hand, then a leg and that followed a body.

The person's legs were long and thin and he, or she, from what I assumed, was wearing a dark blue leather jacket. I couldn't really see much because it was dark outside. It was probably late in the night that the lights, which was probably from the city, outside my window were off. The only light that came through was the light from the tiny bedside lamp. That was all I managed to see before throwing the warm and cosy covers on top of me and moving to a position I thought I was in when I woke up. I could hear my heart thumping like a bunny in my chest. For a moment, I wondered if whoever that was that came into my room could hear my heart trying to break through my lungs and my ribcage. I heard the soft shuffling of the person's shoes towards me. I stiffened. The body of the person moved towards my head. A husky voice whispered in my ear,"Emily, I know you have already woken up and you are listening to me right now. You will tell no one about my presence." Those words sent a chill down my spine. The mysterious person then proceeded to shuffle over to somewhere near my and then left the room. As soon as the person closed the door behind him, I let out a shaky breath after realising I had been holding my breath. The words that the person said reverberated through my head over and over again. It seemed like there was a broken radio in my head. I tried to think of something else but the words kept coming back to me." Emily, I know you have already woken up..." The words faded off into the blankness as slowly dozed off.

I woke up to someone crying next to me. Warm tears dripped onto my arm and rolled down onto my bed. "You will tell no one about my presence." I remembered what happened the night before. I was snapped out of my thoughts when a hand touched mine. "Emily please wake up." I immediately recognised that voice as Grace's. I needed to wake up. I couldn't pretend to sleep for the rest of my life. Recalling all the dramas I had watched, I tried to immitate how the actors and actresses woke up from their coma. I twitched my finger and as expected, Grace reacted by shouting for the doctor. I slowly opened my eyes to find a familiar pair of blue eyes staring bewilderedly back at me. She waved her hand in front of me and asked,"Hello? Do you know who I am? Do you know where you are?" I rolled my eyes. We were saying the exact lines as in a typical drama movie. I replied,"Yes I know my name is Emily. Your name is Grace and we are at the hospital." She immediately heaved a sigh of relieve. Soon after, the doctor came running into the room. He stared at me in shock at the door. Rushing over to me, he checked my pulse and said," It's a miracle you woke up after so long." After the doctor and the nurses left, I tilted my head to Grace in confusion,"What is the date today?" "Twelve of June." I had been sleeping for one day but the doctor said 'for so long'. I stuttered,"Then, what is the year?" "2034" My jaw dropped. What!? I had been sleeping for 1 year!

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