Chapter 6

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As I stared at the unfamiliar face, I wondered how I knew his name was Nick. I furrowed my eyebrows as I tried to recall what had happened. As if he read my mind, he started," Just in case you didn't remember, my name is Nick---" " I remember that part." I interrupted." you were running in the park and..." As Nick said that part, all my memories came rushing back. "So I flew and now you kidnapped me." I summarised everything from what I remembered. "Well, you got the flying part right but not so on the kidnapping part. Technically I didn't kidnap you as you decided to meet me." After that, he started blabbing away at some stuff about superpowers and something about an organisation called THE CATCHERS. I would have thought this whole thing about superheroes was cool when I was still a little innocent girl back then but then I felt confused. Many questions raced through my head. Just as I was about to ask a question, Nick stood up and told me to follow him. I then walked a few steps behind him, wary of my surroundings.

After walking through a maze of corridoors and countless number of colourful doors, Nick suddenly stopped, causing me to almost knock into his back. Just then I was grateful for the few steps I left between us. Looking up, a gigantic wooden door filled with intricate carvings loomed down on me. Nick pushed the door open, revealing a large table sitting in the middle of the dome-like room. All around it were people wearing formal suits and dresses sitting around it, looking very professional. Looking down on my clothes, my cheeks grew warm. Clearing my throat, I straightened my wrinkled gown as much as I could. I looked at Nick for some help to introduce me or at least get me away from the awkward situation I was in but to no avail. He just casually walked over and sat at the empty chair near to the center of the table. All that he said was," She's one of our kind." And the atmosphere in the room felt much different in an instant than before. The intensity of the stares lessened. I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding. I played around at the hems of my gown, not knowing what to do with my hands.

As I waited in an awkward silence for someone to say something, a young girl, approximately the same age as me stood up and bounced over to me. She was wearing an uncomfortable looking laced dress some of the other females in the room was wearing. The girl had long flowing rainbow hair, something I have always wished for but with my overprotective parents around, such things were way out of my league. She was a few centimeters taller than me and had big hazel eyes. Her eyes sparkled with delight as she looped her arm through mine, yelling," Yay! Finally I have a roomate!" Just then, the strangest thing happened. She started shifting I realised after she finiher shifting forms that she looked identical to me, even the scar that I have on my ear was present. The rainbow coloured hair and hazel eyes was replaced by the all to familiar brown hair and eyes. " You're gonna sit with me!" She squealed excitedly before pulling me towards where she sat at such a speed that I would have been dragged if she went any faster. I stumbled clumsily after her before plopping down in the chushioned chair next to her.

"So you are...?" The rainbow haired girl started. Before I could even open my mouth, another voice interrupted me. "Emily. Her name is Emily." I immediately turned towards the source of the voice, hoping it was someone I knew to help explain the confusing mess in my head since the person knew my name. But to my dismay, it was just a frail looking boy that just could be easily mistaken as a 10 year old boy. Once he caught up with my shocked expression, he immediately added," Oh, my name is Mandy." That's a very girly name for a boy. I secretly thought. "And I'm a girl. I read thoughts." She added after a while. So she was a girl all along. I instantly blushed. I should've guessed she had that superpower to know my name. It must have been very offensive for her to hear what I 'said'.

"Okay, introductions later." Nick interrupted and stood up. "Now Emily, just follow kaitlyn down to your room." He said while gesturing to the look alike of me. She immediately bouced up and literally just dragged me out of the room.

As I left through the magestic doors, I wondered what kind of weird adventures await me in time to come...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2016 ⏰

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