Chapter 5

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The person stepped towards me. And I took a step back. Who is this person? Did I make a wrong choice to come to meet that person? What if that person was a murderer? I cringed at the last question. Other negative thoughts flooded my mind. How could I get out of this alley before something bad happens? Run. Just as I turned to run, the person vanished into thin air. I paused and stared at the spot I last saw of that person. I was quite sure I had seen someone there and I was pretty sure he just disappeared.

Feeling a sudden presence behind me, I turned and gasped at what I saw. The person. How did he move behing me that quickly and not have me see him move. The next thing I knew was a hand grabbing me and everything went black.

I felt like I was lying down on a bed. When I twitched my fingers, they wouldn't move. So I tried to open my eyes. They wouldn't budge. I started to panic. What happened to me? Why can't I move? Shuffles were heard somewhere where I was, soft muttering was heard to. Following that was the sound of a door opening.

"Has she woken up yet?"


How in the world did he know? Clicking sounds then suddenly I felt free . My eyes snapped open to see where I was. It was a small white room. I was starting to think I was dreaming when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I swerved around, almost knocking the person over. "Whoa whoa whoa, chill dude!" I didn't exactly know what to say after that so I followed everything the movies did one year ago. It started from a 'Who are you?' then a 'Where am I?'

"Sorry for the lack of introduction." The guy I almost knocked over said. "Well firstly, I am Nick. But you can call me Nicky, if you want." I nodded slowly, still a little groggy from being unconscious. The initial adrenaline that shot through my body earlier ran off and sensing that these people in front of me were good, I let out an uncontrollable yawn. "Need a little recap on what happened?" Nodding, I let out another big yawn. "You woke up in a hospital after being in a coma for a year, then you got a letter from a mysterious person, as you call me, and..." Nick's words faded away into nothingness as my heavy eyelids started to close...

"Help!" My voice echoed as I started to flail wildly in the air. As soon as I reached the surface, I took a big gulp of air then sank down again. The cold of the water engulfed me as my limbs started to numb. "I...I can't" I said to myself before I let myself sink back into the freezing waters. My lungs burned for air but my limbs would not move. Suddenly, just as I was about to reach the seabed, I landed on the sandy shore of a beach. Air rushed into my lungs as I heaved a sigh of relieve. I looked around wondering,"Where in the world was I?" My feet directed me to the jungle behind me and started running. What's happening? My heart palpitated wildly in my chest, threatening to break my ribcage my feet slowly rised above the ground. Before I could hit the big thorny bush in front of me, I went higher, narrowly missing the to of the thorns sticking out. Excitement filled me as I flew higher and faster and higher and faster until I reached a speed where everything was a blur. All of a sudden, a cold something grabbed my leg, its nails digging into my skin. I screamed. It dragged me down. Further and further. Then, it suddenly let go of me. I plunged forward into the ground below me. "Noooooooo!" I screamed.

"Janelle!" My eyes snapped open to my name then relaxed. It was just a dream. Just as my eyes focused, another young face stared back at me. I immediately recognised as Nick's.

okay how was this chapter? This one was pretty short so really sorry. Question time! Yayyyyy!!!! Comments would be much appreciated!

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