To Bring You Closer To Me.

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I walked into the house to find Chris laying on the couch in his boxers.

"What're you doing?" I asked, giggling at him.

He was staring at the TV. "Watching this."

It was the Food Network. "Umm, my love, why are you watching the Food Network in your boxers?"

"They're making chicken wings," he said and I plain out laughed. My sides hurt by the time I was done. He didn't even seem fazed. "I was waiting for you to come back so I could talk to you."

"Would you put some pants on before we talk?" I asked as he sat up and I joined him on the couch. He stood and put his pants back on. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Well, baby, we've been together for a little while now, and even though we weren't technically together before you left to Texas, we kind of were, and I was wondering, maybe, since you're here all the time anyways, if you would, umm, maybe want to, umm, move in" He was rubbing the back of his neck nervously and would only glance at me every few seconds. His nervousness was too adorable.

"Is there such thing as a 'maybe-move-in'?" I asked to which he glared at me. I giggled at him and kissed his lips softly. "Of course I would."

He smiled and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me up against his chest. "Look at me, I'm turning into a grown up."

"Yes you are," I giggled and tapped his nose. "Are you ready for that?"

"Oh yes," he said and kissed me passionately. "Very ready."

I smiled as he lifted me up and carried me to his room. Our room. Would it be our room?..


So, this chapter is short and stuff, but it's kind of important in the 'Karis' relationship. That's right, I went there. xD Anyways, I'll try to update again tomorrow, or maybe I'll do one tonight. I'm not sure. I'm gonna try to update my Kuza fan-fic too, so look for that lovelies. I'll try to do a long update soon.(:

Love always,


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