For It Is Plain As Anyone Can See, We're Simply Meant To Be.

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"Look at you!" I called as Chris walked out of the back room. He smiled at me. He was wearing one of his suits. I whistled and he just laughed.

"Oh shush." He winked and kissed me softly.

I smiled back at him. "Are you only dressed up 'cause we're at home?"

He shook his head. "No, I just wanted to wear one of my suits, is that a problem?"

"Of course not," I said, one of my hands on his shoulder, the other gripping his biceps as his arms wrapped around my waist.

He kissed me softly again and I shook slightly, worried I might fall from the fact that my knees went weak, just like they always did. "I love you baby."

"I love you too," I grinned obnoxiously, my stomach filling with butterflies the size of birds. Something was special about tonight. I wasn't quite sure what though.

We spent the rest of the ten minutes he had being cute.  We cuddle in the dressing room and kissed and said 'I love you' I don't know how many times. Every single time I smiled. But our good time had to come to an end, he needed to go put on a show.

 I was starting to get used to the crowd going crazy over him and the guys. There was so much love for this band that someone as simple minded as me couldn't understand, but Chris did. So did Ricky, Balz, Ryan, Ghost and Brandon, along with Ange and TJ, maybe even Frank.

Chris went to the mic and smiled like he always did, that big, broad, beautiful smile, and my heart skipped a beat. "How you guys doin' tonight?" The crowd went crazier. "Are you ready to have a good time?"

Someone's tapping on my shoulder and distracted me from him. I turned and practically screamed, "Kuza! What're you doing here?"

He pulled me into a tight hug before giving me an answer. "Come on Kari, you think I would miss the only Motionless in White show in PA this tour?"

"I had no doubt in my mind you'd be here. I was hoping I'd get to see you. I miss you!" I smiled up at him.

"I missed you, too. I feel like it's been forever since we've seen each other," he said and we talked for a little before he left to get lost in the crowd and I went back to listening to the guys.

They played a few songs from Creatures, but when I was least expecting it, Devil's Night started and I almost turned into one of those teenage fangirls in the crowd. I sang with ever word, mostly because I can't and refuse to scream. I caught Chris looking at me throughout the song. By the last chorus the entire band was singing and I was having my own little mosh pit by myself, which made Chris smile.

Every now and then I would blow him a kiss liked I always did, and just like every other show, halfway through the set he would come and give me one of those sweet kisses of his. One of those soft, gentle kisses that he would give to me right before he left for tour. Even if he was sweaty and smelly and hot, they were still my favorite kind of kisses.

 But this kiss was different, just like this night, but I wasn't sure why. I feel like Chris was planning something, but what I had no idea. He's so mysterious that he never gives anything away. It was one o the things I loved about him.

Soon there set came to an end and the crowd went wild. Chris gave them a one last 'We love you!' and the stage went black as the guys started to walk off the stage. I gave them high-fives and told them how good of a show they put on. Rick started talking to me about the set, if the jump from songs was too extreme and if they played harder than they normally do and blah blah blah. During his ramble is when I noticed I hadn't seen Chris walk off the stage.

"Where's Chris?" I asked. Ricky pointed to the stage and I gasped. I don't know how many lit candles filled the stage, giving just enough light to light Chris up. I didn't know how all those candles got on the stage so quickly but at that moment I wasn't worried about it. I was focusing on Chris. He looked out at the crowd, smiling bigger than I've ever seen.

"Tonight's a special night guys," he said into a mic I couldn't see. "How many of you know about this amazing girl that goes by the name of Kari Lynn Marie Taylor?" The crowd went fucking ballistic with excitement. What the fuck was going on? I saw him look over at me. "Baby, will you come out here please?"

The crowd cheered when I came out and my stomach was filled to the brim with butterflies. I noticed the guys standing in front of the barrier and Kuza behind them. Chris's parents stood there too, along with his brother and sister. And my mother? What the...

The crowd had lighters and cell phones in the air and the entire place went quiet. What was going on? I looked back at Chris and knew I wasn't gonna look away. We locked eyes and he had my full attention.

"Baby, we've been dating for a while now, counting every when we weren't dating because we pretty much were. I've been in love with you since the first time I saw you at that Halloween party over three years ago, and everyday since I've found a million reasons why you are the most incredible girl in the world. I don't know why I did what I did, but I'm so glad that you even gave me a second chance. I'm not really sure what I would do without you baby, and I'm not really sure of what you might say, but I gotta few things I want to say," he said and grabbed my hand. I saw him reach for something in his pocket. I almost fainted from the next sounds that came out of his mouth. He was singing to me.

"My dearest friend, if you don't mind, I'd like to join you by your side, where we can gaze into the stars and sit together," he slowly dropped to one knee and both my hand covered my mouth. He pulled a little black box out of his pocket. He opened it and turned it towards me, revealing the most beautiful diamond ring, but that's not even what I was staring at. Chris's eyes caught my attention. They almost glowed with excitement. Tears formed in my eyes immediately. "Now and forever. For it is plain as anyone can see, we're simply meant to be."

I stared down at him then looked at the all-too-calm crowd and saw everyone smiling. The guys, his family, my mom...

I looked back at him and moved my hands, revealing my smile. His smile grew twice as big as it was and I knew the crowd was waiting for me to answer.

You should've heard them when I said yes.

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