Chapter 43 -Happy 30 Days

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Louise smiled blissfully as Tony lay beside her after covering her naked body with thin blanket. Their love making activity was magical, and now they laid next each other catching their breath.

The wall in her heart had been smashed down into million pieces by his touches. She could love him freely now despites of her worry about what would happen tomorrow. Seeing and feeling his love toward her, she could only wish that he would break the spell and set them free.

Louise run her fingers on Tony's chest checking the details of his angel tattoo while he played with her hair absentmindedly. She was overwhelmed by his story about each tattoo on his body especially the angel on his chest. The angel held a sword on his right hand and his left hand held a shield. The artwork was so detail that a bullet scar on his left chest was almost disappeared in between the wing. If she wasn't this close to him, she wouldn't notice.

He said it was from mugging that went wrong. He was lying. It was the bullet which was supposed to kill Emilio seven years ago. If it wasn't for him, Emilio would be dead by now. Tony's heart suddenly wrenched remembering that the old man was now lying helplessly on the hospital bed from different shooter.

God, he was worry. He didn't want to get involve but the circumstance pushed him to. His mind went back to his woman when Louise talked while touching his scar.

"Did it hurt? How did it feel?" she asked carefully, watching the cloud in his eyes. She didn't know he had experienced such thing. Not everyone had been mugged before and definitely not everyone had tasted a bullet penetrated their body. She was sad for him but also glad that he was okay. She watched his face changed as he began to tell her his story.

"It was excruciating burning sensation..." he slowly described. "I was in coma for three days." His mind went back to that particular moment in his life when he thought he was going to die. Blood everywhere and he couldn't breathe. He heard people screaming, he was in and out consciousness and at that time he finally admitted that it wasn't the world he wanted to stay.

His father thought Tony was out of the gang long time ago after he was in jail, he didn't know that Tony was still involve somehow till that night.

He was in hospital bed, lonely. No one knew what had happened to him except Leon. It was the lowest time of his life and thanked god he was able to get out from it. Not only he was free, but he was able to build his empire too without having to bully or kill anyone.

He only told his family last year, what had happened that day and everyone scowled him for not involving them in his life and they had make him promise that no matter what happened, he had to tell them.

Uh.... Maybe not this problem.... Tony thought about the dock.

"Why do you like angel so much?" Louise voice brought him back to reality. She asked as she remembered the third angel on his back. The second one was the one on the side of his body with her name on it.

"The bullet was only inches away from my heart. I was lucky. I guess because an angel had protected me. That was why I have him here on my chest." He took her hand and placed it on his chest.

"Does he have a name?" she smiled.

"Rafael." Tony grinned.

Of course, it was his middle name too, the archangel Rafael, who else.

"What about the rest? Did you have another accident?"

"No, no more accident. I guess just obsession. Besides, my mom loves angels and she always told me to pray to my guardian angel every night." He shrugged.

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