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The deathly silence was unnerving and three stone faces stared back at me...

Cheryl was the first to speak...

"Did I hear correctly......you are gay...as in lesbian?"

"That's what the term means....yes I am"

Cheryl looked at my dad who looked at my mum and then I watched as my mum began to cry...

Dad stood up...

"Is this some kind of sick joke??"

I looked at him in bewilderment

"No it's not some kind of sick joke, why would you say that?"

"Because no daughter of mine or your mother is growing up like that.......we have taught you to be so much better and now you want to throw it back in our faces?"

I was dumbfounded.....I really did not expect this type of reaction.

"What are you saying dad?"

"I'm saying that no daughter is living under my roof who claims to be a disgusting lesbian......its unnatural"

I was really astonished at this and getting angry

"Well that's ok then isn't it.....I can move to Dunster, why would I want to be in the company of someone who is so narrow minded to treat their own daughter with such words"

I watched as my mum took hold of his shoulder and the two of them walked into the corner of the room and then dad got angry and stormed out of the house...


"I don't agree with what your dad says but he is right in that you can't live here, at least not right now....I will pack a suitcase and drive you to Dunster"

"Mum...I can't believe that such outdated concepts can still control the thoughts of people....Same Sex Marriages are legal and there is nothing wrong with being gay"

"Grandfather was a priest, you know that and his views were terrifying....well I'm sorry but there is nothing you can do here"

"Then I guess we better get packing"

Mum came across and consoled me and I wondered what would be the repercussion of that with dad...

"If it's any consolation I'm ok with it"

I turned to Cheryl.

"You are?

"Yes and your right......in today's society nothing should be frowned upon for being different"

"I will speak to your father but I have an idea which could control his temper"

"And what might that be?"

"Come to church, confess to the priesthood"

"To what end......I am who I am"

"I know but at least your father will know that you are trying and it may yet not be too late to salvage things between all of us"

I had not been to church for many years but I wanted everyone to be happy and so I decided to go ahead and do this.

Mum went to speak to dad and even though conversation between us was strained for the rest of the day, he at least was talking to me...

I decided to move out the end of the week and start a new life in Dunster but I didn't want to lose my family and after all I had a wedding to attend in three weeks which I needed to prepare for.

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