How They Should Have Met

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A/N: This is something new for this book. This is not an x reader, it is an OC x OC that was requested by

I also warn you I MIGHT include cussing and/or mild language.

It was just another day to Lilith Allana Rhea. Scratch that, today everything changed for Lilith Allana Rhea and Leone Amaras Jacobs- true, but not quite the eye catcher. That could be said about any day especially for Leone. Before giving away the end, the beginning must be told.

Lilith Allana Rhea, looking in a mirror, fixed her long black, purple streaked wavy hair as she got ready. No matter what she did it would just fall slightly over her left eye- her red eye. Her right eye: blue. "Hopefully today will be better," she mumbled to her reflection as she playfully squished the little bit of chubs around her stomach, one of the "flaws" in her short curvy body. Being 5'5" isn't as nice as it may sound, especially in this sixteen year old's opinion.

Leone Amaras Jacobs got ready like any other day. His short choppy brown hair halfway between just-woke-up to ready-for-anything, and both his right emerald green eye and bright blue left eye are alert and ready for anything they looked at the multiple protection runes on his lithe muscles and slight six pack. He pulled his shirt down as he saw nothing unusual to him. "Hopefully things run smoothly," the eighteen year old grumbled to himself. Shaking himself out of the snippets of memories from his childhood.

The two would always pass each other on the street and politely greet each other. He'd be going to work and she'd be going to school. The hopeless romantic couldn't bring herself to even flirt with the handsome emotionless man so their passing's would be quick. At school, she quietly read her book about the supernatural; at work, he looked for the supernatural. He knew they were real; she didn't know nor did she believe in it.

Tick-tock. blah blah blah. Just another boring day at boring school, but something was off. It was oddly colder than it usually is. She only dismissed it as nothing, until the door to the classroom opened which gathered everyone's attention.

He was stuck in a boring meeting to be assigned something. "Just cut to the chase," he snapped impatiently to his coworker.

"There's a ghost at the school, and we're even suspicious of the presence of a shape shifter, demon, and angel," she replied causing him to get up and leave. "Where are you going?!"

"To the school," He replied over his shoulder as he walked to equipment room to gather what he would need. He stuffed guns, knives, holy water- everything he thought was necessary in a small backpack then turned to leave.

"Be careful, Leone," her breath, nothing but a whisper as he left.

The students didn't understand what was going on. Who would understand why a door might open if no one was there? It couldn't be the wind because it was locked to people outside of the room. Suddenly a shriek filled the class room.

"Quit pulling my hair, James!" Lilith snapped at the said male, who'd sit behind her and tug at her hair. "How many times to I have to tell you?"

"That wasn't me- honestly," he replied. As soon as the words left him there was another tug at her hair, this time pulled her to the ground, and Leone burst in through the door.


"Are you okay?" Leone asked Lilith since school had been let out after Leone exercised the spirit. "Have you seen any shape shifters, angels, or demons at the school?"

"No, but I'm fine," Lilith replied. Because of today she now believed in the supernatural. "Could we hang out today?"

"Uh... Sure," He replies with a shrug before allowing her to lead him to someplace.

After today they began to talk and get to know each other better causing them to slowly fall in love with one another.

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