What Happened to Reality? (BEN x Reader)

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        ~Your P.O.V.~
        "Mom can I get on the computer for my writing homework?" I asked. "Sure sweety, but nothing else." Mom replied. I nodded. I'm only allowed to use technology for homework. When I got to the computer the internet was on a page called CleverBot.
        "I'll just make a tab..." I said as I clicked on the tab button. CleverBot was on that tab as well. "MOM THE COMPUTER HAS A VIRUS!!!!" I called out. "What did you do?!" Mom asked as she stormed into the room. "It keeps getting on a website called CleverBot!" I cried. Mom looked at the computer and then glared at me. "I was on CleverBot, and you made a tab. You're not on CleverBot, you're on Google." Mom explained.

        I looked at the computer as mom left. I was on Google. In the search bar, on Google, words began typing themselves in red.
Google: Shhhhhhhh~ Lets not tell anyone about this (Y/n)~
        I had a look of horror on my face. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the search bar.
Google: I didn't know an angel lived here~
        I closed the Google tab I made, and stood up.
CleverBot: See you soon (Y/n)~ And you'll see me soon ;)
        I then remember I didn't have homework. It was a school break. I ran into my room and hid under the covers. "How does it know my name?!" I cried. "You're mother told me." A voice replied. It's just a dream. It's just a dream. In reality I was saying "What happened to reality? What happened to reality?".
        "Reality? Nothing happened to reality, my precious angel~" The voice replied. I was about to scream when a hand covered my mouth. I grew into a state of panic as I was picked up off of my bed. I was kicking my legs and my arms were flailing around. I have no control over my body until I heard an "Oof!" and a thud as I was released.
        I immediately pulled my blanket off of me and looked at the boy in front of me. He had black eyes with red irises, and he was wearing link's outfit! Blood was oozing out of his eyes though. "Uh... Ben? Why are you here?.... And dressed like that?" I asked because I go to school with a boy named Ben who has blond hair and blue eyes.
        "I'm BEN DROWNED, so of course I'll be dressed like this!" He snapped. "THIS IS OUR SECRET! YOU CAN'T TELL ANYONE! If you do... Hmph, well.... Lets just say you'll no longer live here with you mother you so dearly love." He hissed. I nodded scared for my life. Is he gonna kill me?! He's gonna kill me!


        "Who are you always talking to in your room?" Mom asked. It's been a week, and the school has closed down. BEN has been visiting me everyday. "My friend... His name is BEN DROWNED." I replied. My mom had a look of horror. "What- Wait..." Mom stuttered colecting her thoughts. "(Y/n) sweetie, you're too old for imaginary friends... You're only 13." Mom explained. "So is BEN!" I snapped. "I don't want you talking to BEN anymore." Mom replied calmly.
        "Here, we'll play Apples to Apples" Mom smiled as she got out the game. "Mom that needs more players." I replied. "Oh well~" Mom cheered.

        It's been hours, I'm bored, and mom should be at work. "Hey (Y/n)! When are you gonna come back?! I brought a TV and an N64!" BEN called out as he came down the stairs into the living room. My mom got out a knife and growled. "I've been looking for you Benjamin." She stated coldly. "I didn't know you're daughter was such a beautiful angel!~" BEN replied. I thought I heard sarcasm in his voice so I felt very hurt.

        "Remember (Y/n) anything you say can and will be held against you~ So only say my name, it will be held against you~" BEN smirked. "GO TO THE NEIGHBORS (Y/N)! NOW!" Mom yelled. I ran out and to my (f/n)'s house thank goodness she lived next door. "(Y/n)! Check out what I found! You're mom is a creepypasta hunter!" (F/n) laughed. "Wait... So BEN DROWNED is a creepypasta?!" I gasped. "Duh!" She mocked.
        I heard a scream coming from my home and flinched. "Looks like we'll have to cross her off the list... Maybe it's BEN copying the sound of her scream..." (F/n) laughed. "Either way, it's my mom screaming!" I replied as I ran back to my house. She probably doesn't want me to come in, so I looked though the nearby window. She looked burnt, like she drowned, and she was being hung by an N64 controller, a pretty gruesome sight if you ask me.
        "WHERE IS SHE WOMAN?!" I heard BEN yell at my mom. I saw my mom mouth, "You'll never be with her... I love you (Y/n)..." before she was..... Gone.... BEN then came out here, as I hid in the bushes. Stay in the shadows. I couldn't tell I was chanting "What happened to reality?!" in a whisper until I was being dragged away by BEN.


        It's been 3 years, and I realized.... My mom died on my 13th birthday... I finally found the heart to forgive BEN. They were only fighting for me... And my mom kept a lot of secrets from me. I was wearing black today since it's my 16th birthday. I've been wearing black every year on my birthday, as a new tradition to honnor my mom.
        "Happy Birthday (Y/n)!" All the creepypastas greeted. I sighed as I just sat down on the couch. They should know by now that I just want to be left alone on my birthday.... I felt like I was about to burst into tears until I felt someone hugging me.... It was BEN who was hugging me.
        "Angels shouldn't cry." He whispered. I just looked back at the floor as I took in shaky breaths and sighed them out. "As a birthday gift.... Will you be my girlfriend (Y/n) (Y/middle/n) (Y/l/n)?" BEN asked. I smiled and hugged BEN. "YES! YES! YES!" I squealed. I may have grew a huge crush on BEN over the years...

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