Run (Len x Reader)

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        ~Your P.O.V.~
       Run. That's all I know to do. I don't know where I am or what's after me, but I know something is after me. I have no memory at all about the past weeks. I do know that I have a gun and eight pages with.... Notes? I wouldn't exactly call them notes more like warnings. At first I didn't feel like anything was chasing, but as I collected each page, or clues, the feeling of something after me grew.

        "Who is this faceless guy?! Where is he?! Why is he after me if he's after me?!" I asked myself. "HELLO?! ANYBODY HERE?!" I heard four voices call out in unison. "Oh no... They've been trapped down here to..." I whispered to myself as I began running their way. I colasped right in front of them gasping for air. "Are you okay?!" A low voice asked as it came toward me. I weakly held up a thumbs up.

        "I'm Hatsune Miku, but you can call me Miku." A girl, with long teal twin pony-tails, said. "I'm Luka." A girl, with long pink hair, said. "I'm Kagamine Rin, but you can call me Rin." A girl, with short blond hair and a white bow, said. "I'm K-Kagamine Len, b-but you can c-call me Len." A boy, with a short blond pony-tail said. "I'm (Y/n) (Y/l/n). I know about you vocaloids. I'm 14 and I've been out here for eight weeks and I f-finally found all eight pages.... Clues.... I'm being chased by something unknown." I said. "We're being chased by Slenderman too!" They said.

        After they explained Slenderman to me they grew worried looks on their faces. "Have you gotten any sleep at all?" Len asked. I shook my head as to say 'no'. "I only woke up here and I haven't gotten much sleep. I had to stay up weeks at a time, because I had to find somewhere I felt safe, but I haven't been feeling safe since I found the first page." I explained. "We'll I can watch over you while you get some rest." Len said. "It's not just Mr. Slender, I've seen a dog with a human smile, knives, remote controllers, hatchets, and so much more." I said. "The dog is known as Smile." Len said. "I know about creepypastas, but from the lack of sleep, I just can't..... Think..... Strait..." I said before I passed out. Barely getting anysleep. Maybe an hour of sleep each night, some nights half an hour.

        When I woke up Len was still here. "Do you feel better? You look better." Len asked. "I feel so much better. I bet sleeping on a bed would feel like sleeping on a cloud right now." I said as we got up. "Miku, Luka, and Rin left to look around. They told me I had to stay here.... I hope their okay." Len said. I placed a hand on Len's shoulder. "I-I'm sorry for your loss." I said. "W-What do you mean?" Len stuttered. "Jeff, Toby, BEN, Jane, Sally, Slenderman, Smile, Masky, Hoodie, and the others are out here! They're chasing us! The more we look for an exit, the more we become lost." I explained.

        I got out my gun and started walking. Len got out a gun and started following me. "What if they try to kill us?" Len asked. "I feel like I'm hunting zombies. Like this is all just a game." I laughed. Soon my mind became fuzzy and I started hearing static. "Run." I whispered as I grabbed Len's wrist. I started running like my life depended on it. A memory started to form about when I came in here.


        I was at a friend's house, and we were camping in her back-yard. We were playing games like Man-Hunt and Slenderman. We were hiding in the woods in her back yard. It was for her and her twin brother's birthday eight weeks ago when I found myself here. I started looking for them, but I was soon knocked out.


        Len and I were jumping over and ducking under parts of trees. I was scared. I saw smile run by again and Sally was in front of us. "Do you want to play?" She asked. I quickly turned right and a knife flew past us, cutting a few strands of my hair. We turned left and a hatchet flew in front of us causing us to stop. The hatchet cut my arm a bit, but when it got stuck in the tree we continued to run. We ended up stopping a few feet away from a mansion.

        "It looks like it's about to colasp." I pointed out. "It's still shelter and we rest!" Len said as he started to run to the stairs, but my grip on his hand tightened and pulled him back. "It's not safe." I said as I stared at the mansion. Soon hands started pounding and beating on the windows that were on the second level. Luka, Miku, and Rin's faces could be seen through the glass. They were horrified. Scared beyond repare.

        Leave. Run. GO BEFORE IT TO LATE! I was frozen in fear. They started pointing behind us and Len was tugging on my arm. "(Y/N)! PLEASE SNAP OUT OF IT!" Len begged which snapped me out of my trance and look at him. "Huh?!" I questioned. "LETS GO!" Len said. I looked back up at the window Miku, Luka, and Rin were beating to see that they weren't there. Len and I started running again. The trees felt like they were reaching out to us. Trying to grab us. Knive, hatchets, anything with a blade really were flying at us. Run. Don't look back. GO! GO! YOU'RE LIFE IS DEPENDING ON YOUR FREEDOM! We got to a clearing before we finally could stop running.

        "HELP! SOMEBODY PLEASE?!" I started calling out while running in circles. I was practically having a mental breakdown. Len got out his phone. "Hey (y/n) check this out." Len called out. I walked up to him and look at his phone. In a crimson red text the message read "You shouldn't have done that". I sighed in relief. "Don't scare me like that Len." I said. "What?" Len asked. "That's way to corny. Crimson red like blood! Seriously?!" I explained. "I didn't do it!" Len protested. I held his phone and stared at the text. It erased as if someone was using it, but I was only holding it. "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" I read out loud. I turned off Len's phone and handed it to him. "Okay now I believe you." I said.

        "If we don't make it out alive there's something I have to do." Len said. "Another corny thing?! Great... More horror movie things." I said. "But it's how I feel." Len said. "Okay then shoot it at me. N-NOT YOUR GUN THOSE! DON'T SHOOT ME!-" I started. "I understand." Len said as he walked up to me. I froze. What's he gonna do?! My breathing quickened. Len then smashed his lips onto mine and kissed me. I of course kissed back.

        "What a touching seen, now GO. TO. SLEEP." Jeff called out when we separated. He came charging at us and I shot his arm. "GAH! YOU'RE GOING TO REGRET THAT!" We heard Jeff yell as we ran. "You saw Miku, Luka, and Rin in that mansion?" I randomly asked. "...... Yeah......" Len replied. We can die. We have to live! We continued to run dodging flying weapons, creepypastas, and tree branches. I wasn't paying attention and running to fast for myself to keep up so I ended up tripping. "This is so cheesy." I growled as I got up. I grabbed Len's hand and we ran again.

        We got back to the same clearing. "WHAT THE- HOW THE- WE WERE JUST HERE!" I yelled. "We're hopeless." Len said as he sat down. "WE CAN'T GIVE UP! We.... We have each other right?" I started. "Yeah..." Len said. I knelt down to Len's hight. "We have to help each other to get out of here. Use team work to get out of here." I said as I leaned closer. "Y-Yeah... We have to help each other." Len stuttered. I kissed Len, but separated and got up. "Well how about we just go strait?" I suggested as I grabbed Len's hand and helped him up.

        "Alright lets go." Len said and we started running again. I felt safer with Len... I feel like I've known him all my life. We dodged, jump, and just continued going strait. We still ended up in the same clearing. "WHAT THE HECK?!" I screamed. Len and I heard a bush rustle so we got out our guns, ready to shoot, and were back to back. We were surrounded.

        I sighed. "It's over Len. We can't win." I said as I held his hand. Slenderman teleported in front of us. "Slenderman lets play again, the game that never ends; Slenderman lets play again, the game that seeks revenge!~" We sang...That was the end... My life flashed before my eyes.

        It was mine, Len, and Rin's birthday and we lied to our parent about where we were going. We went to an abandoned house... That mansion... We decided to play Slenderman and I was Slenderman. I had to look for Rin, Len, Miku, and Luka. Len and I were dating. Out of nowhere I got knocked out and I couldn't remember anything. I was lost. For eight weeks I looked for the way out but I found eight pages,  clues, a gun, and my friends.

        I watched in horror as I saw mine and Len's lifeless bodies fall to the ground. I looked around and saw Len with a shocked look right next to me. I tapped his shoulder, getting his attention, and smiled at him. We held hands as we started walking away..... Hoping it's just a nightmare...

A/N: Should I make this a book??? Maybe do a Pewdiepie version of this? What do you think? Did ya like it? Comment what you thing. And 70+ turnips?! OH MY GOSH THANKS A BUNCH! Thanks!~

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