Friend or Foe? (Yandere Dipper x Reader)

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A/N: First off I know yandere is more popular with anime/manga but hey.... Dipper is CRAZY for you in this! XD Hahaha! Get it?! Comment if you do! Love you turnips!~ Thanks!~

(P.S. Hey Turnips!~ Do you think This should be a story and this would just be a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG summary of it?)

        You were just an ordanary girl. Your family moved to Gravity Falls from California. (Go with it since Dipper and Mabel are from California... You would know if you watched the first episode of season one) Pasifica and you are friends, but you seemed to be more of a "wing-man" since you were too afraid to say anything. You were normally a quiet girl but you've noticed weird things happening which made you want to speak up. "So Pasifica... What are we going to do today?" (Y/n) asked. "We're going to mock Mabel Pines is it not obvious?" Pasifica said. 'Why does Mabel Pines sound familiar?" (Y/n) thought. You've been going to the same school for years, but was in the same class before summer.

        "Ha! I didn't know it was dress like an old lady day!" Pasifica mocked once you all were with Mabel. 'I was in her class... Wait who's that boy with her?' You thought. "Um... Pasifica..." You started before being cut off. "How's being a fraud?!" the boy you didn't know say. "Money pays for all your troubles to go away." She replied as she waved a stack of dollars in the air. "Why don't we-" You started being cut off. "So Mabel how's your outhouse that you call home doing?" Pasifica mocked. "STOP IT!" You finally screamed. You used all your breath in the scream you had to catch your breath.

        "Mabel is a nice girl! I was in her class! She has awesome sweaters that describe her personality, and just look at her! She didn't even try to do anything to you, but you MOCKED HER FOR NO REASON! Money can't buy you everything.... At least it can't buy my friendship." (Y/n) said as she walked over to Mabel and standing next to you. Dipper and Mabel were speechless. You took a deep breath. "I've seen gnomes, a mer-man, and all sorts of crazy stuff! You all are just blind!" You finally said before running off to your home. 'She's one of us! She seen the gnomes!' Dipper thought. 'She must be mine.' he continued to think. Dipper thought you were beautiful and that you had to be with him like it was a life-or-death situation.

        The next day you decided to check out the Mystery Shack. "Heh heh. Mystery Hack." You giggled since the S wasn't where it was suppose to be. "MABEL! CHECK IT OUT!" Dipper said as he watched the cameras. "What is it- Hey it's the girl from yesterday. "OH COOL!" You said in awe as you ran up to the grappling hooks with your (h/l) (h/c) hair trailing right behind you. 'Wait a minute Gideon said everything is fake here.' you thought. "Huh... I guess I haven't seen Gideon in a while." You finally said as you looked towards the floor. People gasped at what you said causing you to jump a little.

        'SHE'S INTO GIDEON?! THAT LITTLE BRAT DOESN'T EVEN DESERVE HER! SHE WILL BE MINE!' Dipper thought. "What's wrong with my stupid relative now?" You asked. Gideon was in fact your cousin. "Wait what?!" Dipper finally spoke up. 'OH CRAP! I FORGOT! THIS IS WHERE GIDEON DOESN'T WANT ME TO BE! HE HATES THE PINES FAMILY!' You thought. "Friend or Foe?!" You asked as you quickly grabbed a grappling hook and pointed it towards Dipper. "He's my brother Dipper." Mabel said. "Friend. Or. Foe." You said. "FRIEND!" Dipper said. You put the grappling hook up and walked over to the cash redgister. "Look... I didn't choose to be that idiot's cousin. I really hate his guts. So can we be friends?" (Y/n) asked. "YEAH!" Mabel said. Mabel then grabbed my arm and dragged me to some old guy.

        "Hey Gruncle Stan meet our new friend!" Mabel said. "Hello." (Y/n) said. "Who's this?" Stan asked. "This is (Y/n) (Y/l/n)! I went to school with her and she hates her cousin Lil' Gideon!" Mabel said. "If she's related to Gideon I don't want to see her." Stan said. "I JUST MOVED HERE! GIDEON CAN CURL UP AND DIE IN A DITCH FOR ALL I CARE!" You yelled. "Gideon says I'm your enemy, but I just saved Mabel's butt from Pasifica!" You added. "Alright then." Stan said. "Whatever..." You said as you walked away.

        Days passed and Dipper became more.... Posessive of you. He didn't care who the guy was. If there's a guy even near you he had to put his arm around you or something. You could be showing Mabel and Dipper to your family and Dipper has to have his arm around you. You didn't pay no mind....... That is until you started looking for a boyfriend.

        You were looking for a boyfriend and you saw a blond guy with blue eyes. (IT'S MY MADE UP CHARACTERS! LEON AND KARTER CARSON! XD) You were a bit sad because you saw a girl with long red hair and green eyes. You wanted answers on who they were so you decided to talk to them and of course Dipper saw you and watched you from behind bushes. "Hello! I'm (Y/n) (Y/l/n) nice to meet you!" You said. "I'm Leon Carson and this is my twin sister Karter Carson." Leon said. "HELLO!~ It's super nice to meet you! Can we be friends?!" Karter asked. "U-Uh.... Sure!" You said. "AWESOME! We can be awesome bffs! We can watch Pewdiepie together! WOO HOO! GO PEWDIE!" Karter cheered.

        "She's so happy she's acting a little drunk... SHE DOESN'T DRINK! WE'RE WAY TOO YOUNG FOR THAT!" Leon said. Soon you and Leon became boyfriend and girlfriend but not for long... One night Dipper decided to come into your room. You woke up right when he was about to pick you up. "Huh? D-DIPPER?!" You asked. "Sh! Sh! You'll be happy about this!" Dipper whispered. "Sorry Dipper but I have a boyfriend and you could find yourself a girlfried." You said with a yawn as you lay on your side. You eyes grew huge when you realized Dipper wasn't leaving. When you were about to turn to Dipper he knocked you out.

        When you woke up you didn't know where you were. You weren't tied up or anything. You were just in some random room. "Dipper?" You questioned. "You love me right?" Dipper asked. "I told you Dipper I have a boyfriend." You growled. "I'LL ERASE THEM ALL! EVERY LAST GUY YOU LOOK AT THAT'S NOT ME!" Dipper yelled. "D-Dipper." You stuttered now getting scared. Dipper walked up to you and your eyes grow wide. "Why don't we stay like this forever?" Dipper asked as he began to choke you. An insane smile grew on his face. "This will make me truly happy." Dipper said as his insane smile grew.

        "S....So......Y....You tr......Truly.....A-are......A.....Foe.....G-Gideon was right...." Were your last words before you ran out of air. "No...I'm your boyfriend now." Dipper growled as he smashed his lips onto your lips. Weeks later the news of your death spread across Gravity Falls and people still haven't found out about Dipper's secret....Except Mabel, which didn't end well... Dipper had killed her when she followed Dipper to his secret treehouse deep in the woods.

A/N: I know such a sad ending huh? Oh well!~ What should I do next?
Me *whispering*: Shut up navi...
Link: Navi is staying with you for a while! I need just even the smallest vacation from her. *leaves*
Me: *face palms and sighs* Well then.... Navi would you-
Navi: YES!
Me: I want to tell!
Navi: Aw!
Me: TOO BAD! >n<
        Hey turnips!~ I hope you liked this! Thanks!~

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