Part 3 The Road

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Hal scanned the highway for the turnoff that would lead  to Bray Road. It was now dark out, and the only way he could see was with the headlights of the van.

" I don't see it anywhere." He told Mary.

Teagan was sitting with her legs crossed. " I really , really need to go" her legs tightened like she was having a cramp.

" Why didn't you go back at the gas station?" Hal asked, still trying to find the road to that lead to Bray Road. He really did not want to pull off so his daughter could use the bathroom. It was dark out, and was kind of difficult to see anything without the headlights.

" I didn't have to go than " Teagan said.

" There is the road" Mary said.  She furiously tugged on Hal's red, Hawaiian, shirt.

Hal turned the blinkers on, and steered to the right, onto a gravel road.

A few minutes later the van lights illuminated a sign that read Bray Road.

" We finally found the road", Mary said with relief.

" Hey, I really need to go now!" Teagan complained. She was shifted in her seat like crazy now, trying hard to hold it all in.

" Alright, if you need to go badly than go in the woods." Hal pointed to some trees. He puuled off to the side of the road, unlocked the van door, and the automatic passenger door opened.

" Are you serious?" Teagan asked.

" Think you can hold it until we reach Uncle George's house" Hal asked her.

Without saying anything, Teagan headed to the woods. " Hurry up" she heard her Dad yell.

Her flashlight caught the tree she had peeling on. Teagan got creeped out as she looked at a large claw mark embedded into the tree.

What the heck could have made those gouges in the tree? She thought as she brushed her left hand over the claw mark. The mark cut deeply into the tree bark like a saw.

Suddenly she heard a twig snap from behind her. She whirled around, her heart beating at a thousand miles an hour.  The light from her phone shone on Lucas face. Lucas used his left arm to shield his eyes, while pointing his camcorder at Teagan.

" Dweeb, what are you doing!" Teagan shouted. 

" Dad sent me out here to tell you to hurry up, actually i insited on doing so. Thought I could film some decent scenery". Lucas explained.

He shone the light on his camcorder around the area. The light revealed the surrounding trees had the same claw marks on them. Teagan saw a few had some strange brown color on tree trunks. Teagan examined the brown stuff, which looked  like dried blood.

" What animal do you think did this? A bear maybe?" Lucas said excitedly. He was filming every bit of what he saw. 

Suddenly there was this loud howl that echoed in both there ears.

" Was that a coyote?" Lucas asked. He was suddenly not so interested in the claw marks.

" More like a wolf, eitherway we should head back" Teagan said, and she started to run back to the van. Lucas followed behind her

Author notes

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