Part 8 The end

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The monster stared at the two kids, with its yellow   eyes." Lucas run, run Lucas!" Teagan shouted as the monster rose up on its own two legs. Lucas ran off. Teagan raised the rifle, ready to shoot at the monster as it came straight at her, but the monster moved swiftly. Teagan had no time to fire. The monster tackled her  to the ground. She  felt a shot of pain as the creature bit into her shoulder, and than started to maul her her . Teagan heard something go crunch, and a jolt of pain followed. She screamed out in pain. Teagan hit in the monster in the eye with the but of the gun. The creature reared back, but than recovered and went for Teagan throat. Teagan used the rifle to block the creature attack. The monster now had the gun in its jaws. The monster swung its head back and forth.

Teagan clinged desperately to the gun. She kicked and pulled. Eventually Teagan wrestled the gun from the monsters jaws, and without aiming the rifle unleashed a half dozen rounds  into the monster chest, and one to the forehead. The monster released her from its jaws,  fell to the ground dead. Teagan tried to stand up after the monster went down, but she felt a bunch of pain in her thighs and left leg whenever she did. She could not balance herself and ended up falling to the ground.

Teagan looked at the beast to make sure it was truly dead. What she saw horrified her. Teagan watched as the monster hairy dark grey fur disapeared, and she saw a girl with blonde hair, wearing a pretty white dress laying backwards on the ground. The women had bullet holes in her chest, and one in the forehead. Just like the monster. Teagan could not figure out what had happened, but she did begin to cry for the women. She than rolled over onto her stomach, and began to crawl away from the scene.

15 minutes later

Teagan was still crawling on her stomach. Her shirt was dirty, and her face had some dirt on it. Her leg was covered with blood. She needed to find help soon. Suddenly she heard a howl come from above her. She looked up, and thought she saw a large figure moving from branch to branch a over her.

" No, no", she said out loud, and softly cried as she picked up her pace. Whatever was up in the trees soon was above her. Teagan turned on her back, and raised the rifle. She screamed as she saw that the figure had already hurled itself at her. Whatever it was, landed right on top of Teagan. The impact of the creature landed on Teagan stomach caused her to drop her weapon. Teagan knew she was not going to get out of this fight.


The monster had hidden its kill, and planned to come back for the food later, but after it mourned it's mate. The monster held the blonde hair girl in its arms, and let out a bellowing howl.

4 months later

" The police have now recovered what they believe to be Teagan Allen, one of the victims of what might have been a wolf attack 4 months ago. The other members of the attack where Teagan's parents Mary, and Hal Allen, along with a local hunter named Reece Davins. This footage, given to the police by the only survivor of the attack, Lucas Allen, shows what is believed to be some sort of wolf like creature attacking the Allen family van".

Lucas shut the tv off as the news showed the camcorder footage he had given the sheriff department. The news had shown that footage for like the hundredth time in 4 months. Lucas felt like he was lucky enough to have found the highway, and get some actual help that day, but his family and that Hunter where not so lucky. The deputy that had interrogated him thought he was possibly crazy when he said an animal that walked on two legs had attacked them, until he showed the camcorder footage. The police had confiscated the footage. Even with the footage as proof, it felt like everyone but him disbelieved the events that happened that night.

Now Lucas was living with his guardians Aunt Terasa and Uncle Eddie in Salt Lake City Utah. Lucas intended to take advantage of his luck, and intended to prove whatever attacked him was real.

Author notes

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