Part 4 The Hunter

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The van drove down the gravel road. Gravel would come up and hit the front windshield. Sometimes little cracks would form in the glass. " How much further." Teagan muttered. She was a bit tired now, while Lucas had completely fallen asleep.

" Whenever we find the farm ", Mary told her daughter.

" I think we're only a couple miles off ...." Hal said when all of a sudden the van began to slow down. Hal pulled the van off to the side of the road. The van came to a complete stop. He turned the ignition on and off. When he got nothing from doing that he slammed his fist on the dashboard.

Lucas lazily opened his eyes a bit. " What is going on?" he asked as he yawned.

" Dang engine is not working", Hal told his kid. He pressed a button on the driver door. The front hood of the car propped open, and Hal stepped outside to examine the car engine.


Reece Davins crouched a hundred yards away from a small, white tail deer. He aimed  the scope of his trustee 300 ambush blackout AR rifle right at the deer. He was glad he had brought his trusty AR rifle, and his six shot pistol, because he was hunting on some small land along Bray Road that his cousin owned, so he needed to take out the deer swiftly. Besides the small deer was the only deer he managed to see all week in the territory.

Reece pulled the trigger, and watched as the deer went down. "'Bullseye", he muttered to himself., with a grin on his face. He climbed down from his position to go to his last , and only kill of the season.

When he got closer the deer appeared to be a bit bigger than what he originally thought.

Suddenly Reece heard movement coming from the bushes. He quickly raised his rifle, and turned to face whatever was nearby. Reece only saw was some green shrubbery. Suddenly a piercing howl filled the air.

" Just a dam dog ", Reece thought. He chuckled slightly at how afraid he was.

Suddenly something hit Reece on his head. When Reece looked up he saw twigs falling from the trees shaking branches. Reece fired a few rounds from his AR.  After a bunch of loud banging the movement ceased. Reece smiled.

" That'll teach those animals". He thought as he lowered his weapon."

Suddenly something big, and hairy rushed right at him, bearing it's sharp teeth and claws as it tackled Reece to the ground. No one had even heard Reece Davins  painful screams for help as he was dragged off into the woods.


Lucas watched  as his Dad shut the hood of the van, and got back into the driver seat.

" How bad is it" His mom asked?

Teagan had went back to texting Justin multiple times again.

" I got no clue what is wrong with it", Lucas heard his Dad say.

" Should we just hike it to the farmhouse, and go into town to find a mechanic tommorrow?" His mom had suggested.

His Dad shook his head. " There are bears and wolves out there." Look, we'll call Uncle George for a ride.

Mary sighed, George was not going to be happy high tailing out into the country, in the middle of the night, to come and get them.

Everyone tried there cell phones, but they could not get any reception at all.

" Well, we might as well sleep here until morning. At the first light tommorrow we can head out to the farmhouse, and than go find a mechanic" Hal said.


Teagan found herself walking through the woods. The area had become foggy, and the only light she could see was the mini fireflies that flew through the air. She had no memory of how she had gotten in the woods, or where she was. She had no idea where anyone was. " Mom, Dad, Lucas!" she shouted, but no one answered. As she kept moving, the fog got thicker and thicker. Teagan could no longer see the area around her. Suddenly she heard a low growling sound. Next thing she knew a set of big fangs came out of the fog and lashed out at her.

That was when Teagan woke up with a gasp. She looked around. She was still in the van, both her parents and her brother where asleep. Teagan slumped back in her chair, relieved that she had been dreaming. Everything was calm,  Teagan looked out the van window. The night seemed to be so calm. Suddenly a bloodied face appeared out of nowhere, the man placed both blood hands on the window leaving a pair of blood red handprints. The man hazel eyes where wide with fear. The man started to bang on the window. Teagan could hear the man saying " help!". Teagan let out a loud shriek.

Author notes

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