Part 7 The next kill

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Lucas and Teagan had quickly ran through the forest. They had dared not to look back, and just kept on running until Teagan tripped on the root of a oak tree once more.

" Come on, we got to keep on moving" Lucas cried as he sat his camcorder down, and helped his sister to her feet.

" I think we should slow down". Teagan said between breaths. They had been running for maybe 20 minutes or so.

" We...," Teagan cut Lucas off.

" Remember those survival shows we watch on the discovery channel. Remember the one thing we are suppose to do. The number one thing not to do in these situations" Teagan asked her brother.

Lucas thought about it for a moment. " Never run around scared. Always slow down and get your bearings."

" Exactly, except in this case." Teagan looked around the forest. It was dark out and they could not really see anything. " There is not much bearings.

It was than that Lucas noticed how alone they really where. " You know what else we don't have much of, Mom. We should have not left" Lucas said concernly. He felt like he was going to cry.

Teagan's stomach felt like it had been twisted into a knot when she realized that her mother wasn't there with them.  " Mom wanted us to leave okay? She was doing her best to protect us" Teagan assured her brother.

" Do you think she is ok?" Luke asked

Teagan just remained quite, not sure about how to answer the question.

Lucas turned on his camcorder light and shone it around the area. He could see nothing but trees for miles.

Teagan sat with her back against the truck of an oak tree. She began  to cry. Lucas sat next to his sister. He was shocked. He had never seen her cry before. " Everything will be ok", He said softly. Teagan kept on crying.

Lucas looked upward toward the large tree branches above his head. " You know, we're both tired, and since thee is no point in us stumbling around in the dark why don't we just sleep up in the trees tonight and head out in the morning."

" What about mom, and that thing?" Teagan sniffles.

" I can't make any promises about the monster, but mom will totally be ok". Lucas said calmly.

That night both kids slept on the branches up in the canopy of the big oak tree.


Mary had frantically searching for her kids for about 10 minutes, but that was her own assumption. She stumbled through the darkness, calling out " Teagan, Lucas!" She listened, but heard no reply.

After they had disapeared, Mary had fought the monster. She had desperately pushed against the roof of the van. She felt her own kneck stretching, like it would have been torn off at any second. Lucky for her her m the creature only tore off most of her hair. Taking the chance, she had dashed out of the van, and sprinted into the woods. Not even bothering to look back, she had just kept on running.

The moonlight caught sight of a shadow, moving across a tree trunk. At first Mary believed the shadow belonged to one of her kids. She turned around, hoping to see her children, but saw nothing but darkness.

Than she heard movement to her left. Twigs where snapping, followed by a loud snarling sound. Mary did not need to tell herself to run, the little voice in the back of her head did that.

Mary ran blindly through the darkness, low hanging branches where scratching her face. She could feel the creatures breath on the back of her kneck. She zig and zagged through the trees, but that did  little good. 

It was only a matter of time before the creature got up with her. Mary, without really thinking, picked up the first stick she saw, and whirled around to face the monster. She raised the stick, and swung it down on the creatures head. The stick snapped on impact. Mary watched in  horror as the monster jumped on all for of it's legs, hurling itself at her. Knowing running was not an option, Mary tried to protect her kneck and face with her hands. The monster rammed into her. It's claws dug into her shoulder, and Mary was tackled to the ground.

Mary screamed as the monster bit into her scalp


Teagan woke up with a shock. She sat up, and stretched her arms and legs. " Hmmmphf, what was that?" Lucas said from the branch below Teagan.

" It sounded like screaming". Teagan said as she climbed down the tree.

" Where are you going?" Lucas asked.

" That sounded like a girl screaming. It could be mom, and it sounds like she needs help."

Lucas climbed down the tree after his sister. The two ran toward the scream, even though Lucas mind nagged him that it was a bad idea.

They where running when Teagan stopped.

" What is it?" Lucas asked. Teagan bent down and picked up a large, black object at the end.

" It is a gun". Teagan said.

Lucas looked over her shoulder to look at the gun.

" Do you know how to use it?" Lucas asked.

" I've played Call of Duty with you long enough to know a thing or two about operating a gun. Besides it will be useful." Teagan said as she checked to make sure the gun was loaded

Lucas rolled his eyes. Sometimes his sister stated the obvious, but said nothing. The two kept running. As they kept running, they began hearing a slurping sound. It was when the the two reached a small ravine did they stop. Teagan nearly burst into tears, and Lucas looked down.

Halfway down the Davins layed their mom, lying on the ground, all bloodied and all torn up. Lurching over her was the monster, chewing away at her flesh. The monster sniffed the air, and than looked up at the kids. It's teeth where covered in blood that dripped from it's mouth and ran down its cheek.

Author notes

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