Explain this

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"Ready yet?" Kai called from across the room. Borg had insisted on finishing up some important work before joining him to check the weapons room, leaving Kai tapping his foot impatiently at the door as he worked away furiously on the computer.

"Yeeaaapp...!" Borg dragged himself away from the computer and turned to P.I.X.A.L. "Let's go," he nodded, "And take along the recording device."

"Already on it." She answered.

The three of them made their way towards the manufacture room. Upon resting their eyes on the door, there stood a man in blue uniform looking through papers on a clipboard just outside. "A worker," Kai wondered out loud. He stepped forward, "Hi." He gave a reassuring smile. "Do u work in this department?"

The worker looked up and hummed, glancing at the door and back at Kai. Then at his clipboard and back at the fire ninja in realisation. "Sir!" He exclaimed, "What an honour," he smiled, stretching his hand out to Kai. Kai gladly took it and shook hands, there was a glint of something in his eye. Something because if wasn't quite excitement or happiness...or any feeling he'd seen civilians get upon stumbling across one of the ninja.

Kai shook it off with barely a thought, "So, do you work in the weapons department?"

"Absolutely," the worker blinked.

"In this room?"


"Good then, " Borg wheeled himself next to Kai. "Could you let us in? We need to conduct some private investigation."

The worker glanced at the door and back at them, "I'm not sure if that's a good idea."

Kai raised an eyebrow, "Really...?" He questioned.

P.I.X.A.L took this on cue to turn on the recording device.

The worker shook his head, not flinching once at the ninja's accusingly suspecting tone. "Well it's extremely dangerous and I'm not sure if you want to enter with Mr. Borg. I'd hate to have something terrible happen to him."

Kai shook his head, "Oh no, I can take care of him. It's not a problem." He reassured.

"Oh I insist," the worker replied humbly. "Really, I'd be best if he not enter through here. I suggest the screening room from the control centre perhaps?"

"You can only see half the factory of weapons manufactured thought there." P.I.X.A.L interrupted. Kai whipped his head at the man, he grew increasingly suspicious by the minute.

"Is there a problem?" He prodded, taking a step forward.

"The manufacture room is off limits to everyone, even us. Only the most skilled and prepared are able to enter. Besides, the machines in there are sensitive to detecting metal. With all that metal on you, Mr. Borg and his assistant I'm afraid-"

"I know what my machines are made of." Borg retorted. "That feature can be tweaked very easily."

"Let us in." Kai repeated.

"You're only making yourself look suspicious," P.I.X.A.L added. "If you let us in now, this mindset on you of ours will be cleared."

The worker hesitates, his eyes search the ground and Kai's face as he faces them ever so silently.

"It's off limits." He repeated firmly.

Kai knitted his eyebrows angrily, "No." He almost shouts. "This tower belongs to Borg, everything here belongs to Borg. If your boss demands entry you jolly well give in." He finished every word sharply, as though intending to frighten him.

The man doesn't even flinch, he glances at them calmly before shaking his head, "No," he said, his voice betraying a quiver of fear. As he looks up, there was a visible glint of fright in his eyes and that was the last he saw of the man's face before he turned and ran.

Kai took off after him, the worker was surprisingly fast. Kai took a boost from the wall, kicking it and thrusting himself into the air landing nearly on the man's back. The worker fell with a grunt, the impact knocking the air out of his chest. Kai rested his foot on his back before grabbing his arms and forcing them behind. "You have a lot of explaining to do." He snarled, bending down right on top of his head.

Shadow Of The Benders, Sequel to The Last Ninja.Where stories live. Discover now