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            The phone rings in the classroom, and after a brief, quiet response, the teacher’s gaze falls on me.

            “Piper, you’re wanted in the guidance office. Please take your things.”

            I take my time scooping my binders into my arms and give her a questioning look, but on my way out, the teacher doesn’t tell me a thing.

            The halls are empty. Each footstep echoes throughout the walls, making it seem like there’s not a single soul in the school but me. I’m not entirely sure where I’m going so I make my way in the direction of the office, guessing that the guidance office might be there. I’m almost at the front of the school when I round a corner and smash books first into a hard body, causing my things to drop to the floor. A hand grabs out to steady me and the person meets me eyes.

            “Adam,” I say questioningly.  

            “Piper.” He smiles and I have to turn my eyes away to keep from blushing at the sound of my name. Despite everything, his accent always gets me. Especially the way he uses it to say my name.

            “What are you doing here?” I crouch down, careful to keep my plaid skirt over my tights as I retrieve my things. Adam helps me, not responding until he hands me a textbook.

            “Skipping,” he admits wryly. “And you?”

            “I have an appointment. Do you know where the guidance office is?” When my books are back against my chest I rise. When one starts to slip Adam quickly grabs it and places it where it had been moments before.

            “On the opposite end of the school.” Gently, he grabs my shoulder and turns me in the other direction. “I’ll take you.”

            As he walks me, our footsteps create more reverberating sounds, but this time they don’t sound so alone.

            “Any chance one of those secret passages could get me there sooner?”

            “Nope,” he says, popping the p. “There only in the dormitories and are considered off limits for the very few who know about them.” He uses air quotes and I laugh, knowing he’s disregarded the statement more than a few times. “I’ll have to show you sometime.”

            “You do,” I say with a smile.

            “Maybe tonight?”

            Knowing I’m free, I tell him yes and we agree to meet in the front foyer after hours to take me to his side of the school.

            “So what did you do?” he asks.

            “What do you mean?”

            Absentmindedly I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear and turn my head to the right, trying to hide my eyes.

            “I mean other than jumping off a bridge. The counsellor must want you for something.”

            “I don’t know,” I admit. I slow my steps, causing Adam to slow beside me. Now dreading my unexpected appointment, I try to find a way around it. “Want to go get a coffee?”

            Sensing the worry in my voice, he bumps me playfully. “You’ll be fine, Piper.”

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