My son is a vampire part 1

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Vongola HQ

Author's pov:
Everyone have been worried about a CEDEF leader , because after he got a phone call from his wife he has been pacing around the room for 3 hours. Nobody said anything cause the KI he was giving off was deadly not even Reborn would step up and talk to Iemitsu.

~ flashback ~

Iemitsu was having a meeting with the members of the CEDEF , Vongola Nono and he guardians also the tenth gen guardians. When Iemitsu's phone rang he then excuse himself and answered the phone. During the phone call his face went from joy to anger within seconds, this had everyone wondering what the hell the conversation is about.

~ flashback ends ~

He stopped pacing and turn to crowd who was waiting for an explanation for his actions. He opened his mouth to say something but stopped when one of the butlers knocking the door. Iemitsu open the door and when he did, a beautiful women with short hair brown hair and eyes walked in with red puffy cheeks that's show she was crying recently. Iemitsu hugged her then turned to everyone" I would like you to meet my wife Nana." Everyone nodded in acknowledgement." I bet your all wondering why my wife is here, my wife is here because my son was taken by the vindice and I am going to get him back." When he was finished shock was visible and everyones face. without saying another word he turned around and walk towards the door with his wife not too far behind him."wait Iemitsu we will come with you to help save your son," Iemitsu just nodded and began to walk again.

~ Vendicare Prison ~

"Blood...when was the last time I had something decent to eat. I would have never been in this dilemma if I had listen to my mother and drink some of her blood. But i don't wish to hurt someone, especially my own mother. " This was running through the head of sawada tsunayoshi or tsuna for short the son of both Nana and Iemitsu sawada. He was placed in a water type cell where sound and light did not have access with thick silver chains wrapped around his body restricting his movement.

Nana's pov:
The mood in the car is thick and tense until a teenager with silver hair asked " what did your son do to be arrested by the vindice?" " My son did not do anything"Iemitsu said, confusion was written on everyone's face. What Iemitsu means is that our son would never hurt a fly, and will never hurt a human even though without their blood he would die. Everyone looked at me like I grew 3 heads," what do you mean when you said without their blood he would die" the one with the fedora said." Just like Nana said our son is a vampire." Iemitsu said," both of you lost your damn minds" said the women with purple hair and a tattoo beneath her eye. I know you would act like this so let me explain.

~ flashback ~

congratulations its a very handsome baby boy. They rested tsu-kun next to me and told me to rest. I woke up in the night because I could not feel my baby next to me so I panicked, but when I looked up there was a man with bright red eyes holding my tsu-kun. He then turned to me and said " you have a very powerful son, and I would like to give him a gift." After he finished talking he opened his mouth to reveal four sharp enlarge k-9's. I tried to get up but I could not , I just sat their and watch as this creature bite into my baby. So shocked and scared that I could not scream, when he pulled away I saw my babies blood dripping down his mouth but before he left he licked the wound and it healed." You should be happy after all your the mother of the prince who control all supernatural beings." He then disappeared and all I could do was hold my sleeping tsu-kun and cry.

~ flashback ends ~

When I finished the story everyone was shocked, shocked because vampires and other supernaturals exist and because my son and their future boss is the prince of darkness.

When everyone got to the Vendicare prison, they saw no one guarding the entrance. They took this as there chance they ran in and headed toward the lowest level because they knew someone as dangerous a the prince of darkness should be somewhere he can not escape.

Reborn's pov:
Once we got to a thick metal door with the name Sawada Tsunayoshi engraved at the bottom we entered. The cell was dark and you could not hear anything not even your own breathing. The only light source was the light coming off of a cell like thing filled with water . "Oh my poor baby " Nana said as she ran toward the cell with Iemitsu behind her. When we got closer we saw a person with thick silver chains wrapped around him so much the only his right eye was visible. It's him, it's the vongola decimo sawada tsunayoshi.

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