My son is a vampire part 2

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Tsuna's pov:
I can hear voices outside of my cell but I am to weak to open my eye's to see who is outside of my cell." How the hell do you get this thing open!" I heard someone yell,"why don't you just break it with your flames?" Who are these people, but then I smelled vanilla and honey. There's only one person with that sent...Mama, but why is she here? Before I can process what's going on, the glass of my cell broke and I fell out but did not hit the ground. Whoever caught me rested me on the ground gently and began to take off the chains.

Nana's pov:
After Iemitsu took off all of the chains I went to take off the wet shirt off of tsu-kun's body only to reveal his very toned chest. I took a towel out if my bag and started to dry of his chest and abs. Then moved to his hair and face, when his hair and face was dry I moved his head to my lap." Look how pale he is Nana, when was the last time he drank" Iemitsu said with worry clear on his face. I ignored his question. And then picked up one of the broken glass and cut my wrist. I put the pain to the side and held my wrist to tsu-kun mouth, but he turned his head to the side. LISTEN HERE YOUNG MAN YOU WELL DRINK FROM ME BECAUSE YOUR MY ONLY BABY I DON'T WANT YOU TO DIE. By the end of my  rant I was in tears that was the first time I yelled at him. He then turned his head to my bleeding wrist and bit.

Author's pov:
Everyone stud there shocked as a black type mist wrap around tsuna as he drank from Nana. A few minutes later Nana got up with no mark on her wrist." What's happening, why is there black mist wrapping around him?" Gokudera Hayato asked. All Nana did was smile and said" welcome back tsu-kun." The mist began to clear to reveal a teenager with long dark brown almost black hair and dark orange almost red eyes. His body toned to perfection with a well defined 12 pack, his jeans where right on his v-line." Thanks for freeing me from the cell" tsuna said with a smile, so now  you can see his top row fangs. The others only nodded they where to shock to speak.

Reborn's pov:
Sawada tsunayoshi... Your the first person who I  have met that has more dominance then me. I quickly shake the thought out of my head when I heard."We  should get going before they realized that I'm gone"tsuna suggested. We all nodded and head to the exit, but stopped when Nana pulled out clothes out of her bag and gave them to tsuna, tsuna must of got the message and took the clothes and disappeared. When he came back he was wear an all black suit, which made him look move sexy and devilish. And his hair was put in to a half ponytail. I can hear the others groan, it looks like I'm not the only one who wants to be fucked by tsuna.

At Vongola mansion ~

When we got back  Nana suggested that we get to know each other. So everyone went around and introduce themselves. Iemitsu then explained to tsuna about wanting him to become to decimo of vongola and he accepted the role."  Italy is a nice place but I prefer my home and Japan at the moment" tsuna said. He and Nana would be heading back to Japan, with me and his future guardians. I could see the  determination in there eyes to make tsuna fall for them, but  they got another thing coming if they think I'm going to give my tsuna to them. Let the fuckung battle begin.

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