568, 569, 570, 571, 572. Nope its impossible, I don't get how people fall asleep by counting sheep. "Winter, hey Winter." I whispered tapping my brother who was snoring next to me. "Winter pst." I hissed quietly, tapping him repeatedly. I didn't want to wake Autumn,but I really needed to talk to Winter. I don't get how either of them could possibly fall asleep in a cramped, moving car.

"Winter!", he jolted up quickly and hit his head on the seat in front of him thank god Autumn was sitting in front of me cause Mom would have killed him. "What?!" he growled quietly, "Can I use your beats, mine are by Autumn and Mom will kill me if I wake her up." I muttered. "You could have just used them you've done it before and I didn't care remember ?!" he said in disbelief, his brilliant blue eyes looking tired and his black hair sticking up. "oh right, sorry." I apologized, smoothing out his hair.

He sighed pulled me closer to him, wrapped his arms around me and put his chin on my head. "What're you doing ?" I asked scrunching my forehead up and trying to look up at him. "Revenge?" he asked as he handed me his beats. "Hmmm, okay that's fine. I don't mind, maybe I'll fall asleep." I yawned snuggling up to Winter. "Good night,snow." I said using my childhood nickname for him, "Night Sunshine." He replied doing the same.

I leaned back into Winters arms getting comfortable and found that his breath had slowed and his eyes were already shut. He sure can fall asleep quickly for an seventeen year old, you'd think someone who was a year younger could fall asleep just as quickly but nope. No such luck I haven't been able to sleep since we started this rode trip I just cant wait till we get there. So instead of trying to sleep again I slipped Winters beats on and played whatever it was he had on his iPod. This is going to be a long night.

"We're here!" Mom smiled turning in the passengers seat and tapping on Autumns knee waking her 'baby' up. Autumn was my eight year old sister who, like Winter, matched her name. She had red blonde hair with golden tips and sienna brown eyes.

"I don't wanna get up, tired." she mumbled incoherently pulling up the jacket she was currently using as a blanket. "Sweetheart, you have to get up or you'll be tired later because of the time change." Ross, my stepdad, said sweetly to Autumn. I shuddered as I heard his voice I never liked him, I'll never like him, and I have my reasons. As far as I'm concerned he's just another person whom I don't like.

We had pulled up to our new house in Anaheim, California, and you know why we moved because of Ross's new job. I was perfectly fine living in the small Texas town of El Paso. "Autumn, up we're here. I'll give you a piece of my double-bubble-gum if you do." I bribed elbowing Winter to get up.

"Summer, you know what sugar does to Autumn. You should know better." Ross scolded me from the drivers seat giving me a warning look with his dead grey eyes. And what made it worse was no matter what Ross believed I did wrong my mom would always agree with him even if I wasn't anywhere near the situation. "It got her up didn't it ?" I asked in my own defense as Autumn jolted awake quickly, upon hearing my words.

"I'm up." Winter said sitting up so fast that his seatbelt pulled him back so he hit the chair. Him waking pulled some of the tension from the car because well Ross adored him. Not that I was jealous or anything if anything I pitied him, having to live through countless hours of one on one time with that demon. I would sooner cut off all my fingers than willingly do anything with Ross.

I sighed giving up on reasoning with Satans' spawn and clambered my out of the very cramped car. Having been in there for another six hours straight I was surprised that my legs still worked, well half worked. I nearly fell to my death once I got out of the car but Winter caught me before I did. "Thank you." I smiled fixing my footing and stretching out.

Let the moving games begin, or in other words unpacking. I blew my rose gold bangs out of my eyes and opened the drivers door. "Keys, please." I mumbled putting a hand out and interrupting Ross and Moms exchange of words. Ross turned and faced me placing the houses keys in my hands, "Your room is the second on the right once your up the stairs." he tells me as I give him a sour smile.

I walked over to the front door jammed the key in violently releasing some pent up irritation not much but some. Barging my way into the cream colored house, I found myself in a majorly blue hall. Grumbling under my breath I dragged myself up the stairs and went into the second room on the right. As much as I hate Ross he sure did know me and that scared the heck out of me. The room was everything I invisioned it was a beautiful; purple walls that had sparkly quotes everywhere, ocean blue curtains were on both the windows, and the roof was a night sky blue .

"Stupid Ross." I really hate that he knows me just because he has been married to my mom for five years and was dating her before then doesn't mean he is my dad. "I wouldn't let him hear that if I were you." Winter chirped in my ear. "Let who hear what? I haven't the slightest idea of what your talking about." I lied through my teeth with a fake smile that reached my clear blue eyes.

He rolled his eyes and left me in the room by myself well technically he left me in my room. Ahhh home sweet, nope doesn't feel like home. Well that failed might as well start dragging things up the stairs from the moving truck.

A few minutes later I was busy repeating the same action of dragging a box up the stairs then going back down to do it again. Up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up, and down. I' know they'll be the death of me, at least I'll still be numb.' I hummed in my mind. Oh great now I'm turning 'I can't feel my face' into a parody about my pain. Dear lord let this be over soon.

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