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Lukas and all his hotness above!!<3 -Black Rose

Lukas, Terence, Sam and Jason. Those were the names of the other four popular's. All extremely cocky, all extremely hot and all irritatingly tall. If I didn't know any better I'd classify them as talking trees.

Lukas was apparently the lone wolf, the bad boy if you will, with his brown hair and crisp hazel-green eyes. He didn't talk much either, he kept silent throughout lunch only watching and not interacting. He never seemed to smile and always had a scowl on his face. It was hard not letting my mind wonder why.

Terence was the jock-strap, excuse me, I mean the athlete. He had his hands in everything from the football team to the track team and the swim team. Not to mention that he had probably slept with all of the girls on the cheerleading squad. His cerulean eyes paired very well with his brown locks.

Sam was basically the guy version of a gossip. He knew any and everything that was going on with anyone in the student body; whether it was if the math and pe teacher were sleeping together or if one of the student had gotten a new pet he knew all. His dark brown eyes and light brown hair, did him wonders when he had to dig information out of people, especially the ladies, or so he told me.

Jason was the pretty boy. He had all the girls falling for him, not that the other boys didn't, but he was completely oblivious to it. He was always getting different girls to do him favors or giving him gifts for no apparent reason. And he had the cliché blue eyes and blonde hair too. 

Now Mikey, Mikey was the goof ball. The prankster. He was always pulling jokes on everyone from what I heard. As I mentioned before he had chocolatey eyes and almost golden hair and a wicked grin that always hid his laugh.

It was perplexing to me. Me, a nerd, a dork, an outsider, was sitting, speaking and making friends with the schools most popular boys. The kind of guys who used to bully me and Deeana becuase we dared to stand out, the kind of guys that used to tell me I was ugly and worthless. Not that I ever actually believed them, because I am magical.

"So Summer where did you move from?" One of the boys asked as they pulled me from my trance. "I um, Texas, El Paso, Texas." I replied shaking my head a bit trying to get out of my head. "Well, howdy, cowgirl." Jason chuckled using his very terrible version of a country accent while tipping his invisble hat towards me. "Howdy yourself city boy. Well ain't that just peachy. Little city boy thinks all Texans speak this way." I tutted in the southern accent I once had when I was younger.

All their heads turned and looked at me. "What?" I asked in my normal voice as I plopped a few more grapes in my mouth. "How did you do that?" Sam asked smiling at me. "My relatives on my dads side all have an accent and when I was younger I used to mimic their accents." I casually replied as they nodded in response.

"Cool, so its been interesting, but I gotta go figure out who Mrs. Darren is and where the class is." I excused myself getting up. "Don't you have Darren next, Luke?" Jason asked raising a perfect brow. Serious it was ridiculous how good looking these guys were.

Lukas nodded and stood to leave as I sat there watching stupidly. "You coming?" He said, speaking for the first time since we'd gotten here. His voice was deep and rough yet soft at the same time. It was a little intoxicating. No, bad, no liking people.

I smiled again and stood up waving bye to the rest, only to see Sam waggling his eyebrows at me. I only rolled my eyes and continued walking.


"So..." I trailed as me and this near complete stranger walked down the halls together. Lukas glanced down at me as if to ask 'so?'.

"Um. So what's your last name or favorite color or what do you like to do? Do you play any sports with Terence, or um do you play an instrument? I really dont know what to say right now but the silence feels like its suffocating me so yeah." I babbled mostly nonsense partially actual curiosity. He looked back down at me, his hazel green eyes studying me with some emotion that I couldn't register and then he looked away again.

I felt like I would die of embarrassment as the silence engulfed us again. I couldnt deal, jeez I was so awkward. And then as if by miracle Lukas spoke.


"What?" I asked looling at him. The way his eyes looked so intense, how he blew a strand of bangs from his hair, and walked with his no doubt large hands tucked into his front pockets.

"My last name," he clarified, "it's Walker."

"Hmm. Lukas Walker," then I burst out laughing, "oh my god. And Mikey called you Luke earlier. So freaking close to Luke Sky Walker. Think I'll start calling you that."


I snickered, he wishes. "Nah, Sky-Walker. It suites you, seems like your heads always somewhere else."

He smirked, the closest thing to a smile I've seen meet his face. "Butterfly." He said as we stopped in front of a classroom door and the bell rang for lunch to end and class to begin.

"Wait, what?" I was beyond confused, what did him saying 'butterfly' do or mean? I felt like I'd gotten into something that would no doubt annoy me.

Instead of being a decent person and explaining himself, Lukas only shook his head at me in amusemnt and walked into the classroom. I stood there unmoving and confused other kids walking around me to enter the classroom. Well up until the late bell rang snapping me out of my daze that is. I attempted to push the thought to the back of my head and opened the door to the class to introduce myself.


I know its been a really really long while and I'm sorry for that. I lost writing inspiration...and it sucked but I finally attempted ans created this scrappy chaoter so for those left please enjoy.

-Black Rose

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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