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'Nanana'nanaana nana nana

I want to be, I want to be; I want to be famous'

Damn I knew I shouldn't have watched a whole season of Total Drama Island before I went to sleep last night, on the bright side it might distract me from math, ewww. I had just found my way to Mr. Bensons class, but I was five minutes late. I plastered a fake smile on my face making sure it looked believable, like I wanted to be in the class and like I loved the subject.

I took a deep breath then opened the door, from the other side I could hear chattering but the second I stepped in there was silence. "Hello, I'm Summer Azure. I apologize for interrupting class but I got lost on my way here. I just transferred, um here I'm supposed to give you this its from registration." I announced solely focusing on the teacher while handing him an envelope.  

Mr. Benson began to open the letter and read it as I stood there smiling and studying him. He looked like one of those teachers who hated his job and enjoyed giving kids piles of homework and detention slips. He had frown wrinkles, if that's even a thing, and well a frown glued to his face. He wore a toupee and you could tell because it was a lighter brown than his actual hair.

"Well its lovely to have someone who is very literate in the math world. Please take your seat beside Mr. Maus maybe some of those smarts can rub off on him." Mr. Benson smiled placing his reading glasses back on the desk and handing the paper back to me. "Thank you."

I turned finding all of the students looking at me with their mouths open in shock or trying to cover up their shock. And my smile instantly became real, I'm not sure why but it did. I spotted the only empty seat in the back next to a smirking boy who had dazzling white teeth, golden blonde hair and chocolate eyes.

"What are you smirking at Mr. Maus ?" I mused, thinking of how ironic it would be if his first name was Mickey. "How does such a short girl like you take on a six foot tall, douche, like Jackson ?" he asked as I sat beside him.

"Lets just say I'm daddy's little girl." I replied, as I started to work out the problems on the board, might as well get the torture over with quicker. "And how did you swing not getting detention from ol' Benson ?" he asked as I finished up the last problem and started the homework. "I don't know I've always sort of had a way with teachers."

"What's that supposed to mean ?"


"What do you mean you 'dunno' ?"

"If y equal 12, u equals 17, a is 9 and g is 25. What is y to the power of four, minu u, minus a, plus g divided by two?" I asked.  Ok so I knew the answer it was simple, and why were we doing algebra?  The last time I saw an algebraic equation was in the seventh grade. "Its 20722.5."

I had just finished writing the answer down when my pencil was snatched from my hand, I wined annoyed as I look up at the culprit. "What do you want Mickey mouse ?" I blurted, he stopped then cracked up laughing.

"So what are you some freaky genius or something ?" he asked as I continued to try and reach for my pencil, "Well obviously I'm a cyborg if you couldn't tell this eye is fake." I said pointing at my right eye. "Really ?" he asked undoubting on my statement.

"No." I said in a goofy tone as I swipped my pencil back. "So whats your name anyway, considering you know mine I think its only fair that I know yours." I smiled with a side ways glance. "How about this I'll tell you my name at lunch when you sit with me and my group." He said with a devious look.

I squinted and let a half smile climb its way upon my face, "Hmm, sounds interesting. I'll be there." Mikey returned the grin as Mr.Benson began to explain to the other students how to do the math. I tuned him out and finished up the homework, so much for being in the advanced class.


"Yeah it's kinda strange here. Everyone's been interesting. So, how's Duncan ?" I said into the phone as I shoved my books into my locker. "So-or-ry lo-os-sing conn-ec-tion." Deeana said through the phone pretending that we were breaking up. "Uh-huh I'm so sure. This is not over we are most definitely talking about this later." I said as Deeana continued to fake a bad connection.

"Fine I gotta go anyway but later we are discussing this Deeana." I repeated rolling my eyes as I hung up and I grabbed my lunch bag. Food was very good idea right about now because today was a little stressful to say the least. Most of the teachers knew less than my little sister who was in the third grade and I was really looking forward to going to Anaheim High, which supposedly had the best academic record in the state but nope, I was learning absolutely nothing. It was sort of disappointing. Plus everyone wanted to talk with me for standing g up to the schools jerk and Mr. Jerk and his posse had been glaring me down every chance they got.

I slowly made my way into the cafeteria and was met with a wild purple that was contrasting from the deep rich gold. At least the school colors where pretty. I wandered through the cafeteria when all of a sudden my name was called from somewhere halfway across the room. I turned and searched for the golden-blonde mop of hair that Mickey Mouse owned.

I finally spotted him waving from a round table which a bunch of people where huddled around. Finally I understood Mickey Mouse was a popular, and I was the girl who had beaten up the jerk.

Gods this place just kept getting more and more clique. Waving back I made my way towards Mickey Mouse's table. "Well Mickey Mouse here I am..." I trailed off, as everyone peered at me with curiosity. "Mikey." he said as I settled between him and another boy. "Well 'Mikey' you are officially going to be known as Mickey Mouse from here on out." I stated with an official tone.

"Well, I guess that now makes you Minnie Mouse." He shrugged, as I shook my head. "I don't do nicknames." He shrugged once again then proceeded to introduce the four other guys that sat in front of me. The five popular guys talking to the new girl, dear lord can this get anymore clique.

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