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The fight between me and Dead Eyes had caused us to shuffle a few feet away from the boy he was terrorizing earlier. While walking away from Tweedle-dumb and his minions I stopped in front of Harry Potter 2.0, who, surprise surprise, was still on the floor.

He was glancing back and forth between Dead Eyes and me, shocked, I think. "Here" I said, putting a hand out for him to grab. He hesitated, well then, I didn't know I was scary I mean look at me I'm barely five feet tall.

"I don't bite-" I laughed as he grabbed it and I pulled him up. I pulled him up so close we were almost nose to nose, "hard." I whispered in his ear then I let go of his hand and backed away.

He gulped nervously and used his left hand to pull at his collar. And then I burst out into a fit of laughter. "You should have seen your face, pricless " I choked out wiping away fake tears.

" Hey I'm Summer, so you mind helping me find my way back to the cafeteria. I'm completely lost." I bluntly stated after my giggles subsided.

He sighed, releaved and put his hand out to shake, "Gabriel, come on I was headed there anyway." Ahh Gabe you have no idea what you just got yourself into. I thought as I'm fingers laced into his and we shook. "Nice to meet you."

"So your a Junior then ?" I asked Gabe as we stopped in the front of the cafeteria. "Close sophomore." He corrected as I sat down at an empty table right by the entrance.

"Oh right, sophomore. I'll remember that next time." I smiled setting down my binder and math books. As we were walking down the hallway earlier we had stopped by my locker so I could grab my stuff for first period. Math ew, just the thought of it made me cringe. Just because your good at something doesn't mean your obligated to like it.

Sure I had all A.P classes, and I was like a human calculater but I hate math its the worst.Just as I had placed my stuff down, I looked up to find Gabe walking away. "Hey where're you going ?" He turned and smiled, " you seem like a nice person and I wouldn't want to wreck your rep before your first day of school starts here. Besides there's this unspoken rule that everyone follows; only people in the same grade can socialize with one another. So goodbye Summer, it was nice knowing you. "

Did he really just do that god all these kids are gonna have to learn a thing or two about making friends. " Wait." I said a little too loudly but the cafeteria  was packed and no one seemed to be paying attention including Gabe, so I stood up and chased after him. I don't give up easily and I was determined to become his friend whether he liked it or not.

"Gabe wait up." I hollered, grabbing his arm. " for the third time its Gabriel. And I'd get away from me if I were you. You saw how people are here and I wouldn't want you to be stuck in the same boat as me." he said frustrated with my persistence. " Stop trying to be a damn hero and just accept my friendship, I mean come on. You look like a complete loner and you seem like the kind of person who has a fantastic smile but never gets the chance to show it because of how bad your situation is. So just stop, I don't need a night in shining armor to protect me from myself. I don't care about my so called 'rep' and I don't fall into that kind of crowd anyway. Besides I know you like me and I like you and I'm gonna keep calling you Gabe, so deal with it. "

My words fell out before I could even think about what I was saying, I didn't regret it but I flat out told him I liked him and that I thought he was a complete loner. I crossed my fingers hoping he didn't hear that in all of my babble cause I did like him as a friend but still that'd be awkward. Gabe smiled his stunning smile then gave in and walked back to the table with me. Ha I win.

"So... I have a question." I stated awkwardly pulling on the lock of hair that had fallen out of my braid. Nervous habit, can't help it. "Shoot." Gabe muttered absent mindedly as he compared our schedules, I'm not sure why though, we most likely wouldn't have any of the same classes because we were in different grades. Maybe an elective or something but other wise I don't think so. "Um... who was that guy that um, that I uh, with the grey eyes." I asked, well more like stammered a bunch of illogical words .

"Oh..." Gabe breathed out placing the schedules down, and looking up with a shield of bravery covering his timid blue eyes. I could tell it was a touchy subject but I felt the need to know about it. How else was I supposed to put a stop to it, and yes it seems a bit naïve but when I'm determined there is no stopping me.

"Jackson Miller." Gabe  spat the name bitterly as if it was poison,his shoulders tensed with what looked to be anger but I could tell it was something more, deeper and his eyes filled with so much hate it almost looked as if his baby blues flashed red for a second. I didn't want to press any further but for some odd reason the words still slipped past my mouth, " Why did he um... " I asked, my question faltering as I pulled at the lock of hair again and stared at the cut above his brow.

"Cause he hates me and I hate him. That's all there is to say about it." he said as he touched the wound I guess he hadn't noticed. Interesting. "So do we have any classes together ?" I asked changing the topic quickly. "uh ya we have Tec together but that's it." he said his anger diminishing by the second. "Whoo Tec geeks forever yay." I said putting my schedule back into the binder as Gabe gave me a funny look.

"Oh and by the way since you insist on calling me Gabe I think its only fair that I get to give you a nickname as well." Gabe smirked, geez someone's getting a little arrogant. "Oh Gabe, Gabe, Gabe, I don't do nicknames." I snickered back, pulling my phone from my binder.

"So I have a question do you know how to get to this address?" I held my phone in front of his face as he read my address off of the screen. "Ya, I actually live next door." he said surprisingly, well yay we're neighbors. "Gimme your phone." I ordered putting my hand out. "why " he said skeptically pulling it out, but I completely ignored him and snatched up his phone.

I put my number in then told him to take my picture for my profile, "Why not just take a selfie ?" he asked stupidly, I sighed " because they're stupid now take the picture already." I insisted putting my braid on my right shoulder and smiling. He rolled those amazing baby blues that made me jealous and snapped the picture.

Then the bell rang and I collected my stuff and stood up. "You gonna walk me home then?" I asked leaning down so he could hear me over the chattering students. "Sure." he replied standing himself, "Its a date then." I smiled and walked away. Pretty good start for a first day of school and I think I'm finally gonna win a bet against Winter.

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