Chapter 10

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Few years later...

"Hurry up ichiru, we're gonna be late" zero called

"Wait wait..... i still need to-- whoah" hear crashing sound

"You okay?" Zero panic

"Got it" ichiru cheer and happily ran downstairs with a bag in his hand

"What was that just now?" Zero raise an eyebrow

"Oh nothing. Just having a little difficulty. That all" ichiru nervously scratch his head

Zero blinks a few times before getting inside ichiru memories. He smile to what he just seen

So that it, he smile wider. Oooh..... he cannot wait

"Let's go. The other are waiting" zero said as he walk to the door while ichiru follow him

"Finally, what take you so long?" Kai mad, crossing his arms

"Oh quit your yapping. We're only late a few minutes" zero argue

"But still...."

"We're finish. Come on zero, kai. We gotta go" ichiru shout as he hop inside the car happily

Zero chuckle while kai huff. They both join with the others

"Have fun guys. Remember to call us" the kiryus shout as they wave goodbye

Couple of hours later, they both reach their destination

Cross academy

A school where vampires learn to co-existing with humans.

They all went out of the car and get their luggage

"Are they anything else, master?" the butler ask.

"No. We're good" zero smile as the butler bow

"Oh seb, you might want to cover up more and wear more perfume so that no one will notice a zombie had come here" zero chuckle

That right. The butler, seb is a zombie that had been rise from the grave and serve them as a servant. They are other zombies that serve all the blood rose vampires

Seb nod and drove off

They all went to their dorm except for zero who being stop by ichiru

"What wrong, honey?" Zero said in mothering tone

Ichiru said nothing. He bend down to grab a big bag and give it to zero

Zero raise an eyebrow. He look inside. There a full of gifts. Zero smile and hug ichiru as he said thank you and walk off

He and his friends enter their dormitory. They surprise it very beautiful and quiet...... expensive. They wonder how much money their children build this dorm.

"ZEERRROOOO" a black haired and red eyes vampire tackle him to the ground

"Ouch- haru, you need to stop doing that" as zero rub his head where he hit the floor

Haru is the creator of the hamasaki families. (Purebloods)

"Oohh.... can't i hug my lover" he tease


Haru crash to the wall. His neck being grab by zero who squeez it to tight. Making him suffer to breathe. It not like they need air anyway. But the pain still unbearable

"If you say that ever again. I'LL KILL YOU" zero let out very monstrous killer aura making the entire room cracks and glass shattered

Haru still suffering from the pain that zero give him. This is not the first time he's been strangle like this. In fact, it a trillion times already

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