Waiting for his human (Zero P.O.V)

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I had just been born 3 seconds ago.

My human still have a long life on earth before his end

While i was waiting. I had been crying non-stop. Blood fall out of my eyes. Crying of sadness that my human will not had the chance to go to heaven.

Sometimes, humans go to HELL if they killed a life. Even if it once. But there are some can make exception

Ever since i was born. I had observe the difference life of earth, heaven and hell

Heaven is a place with full of paradise with no suffers, pain and sadness

Hell is a place full of pain, sadness and despair and no happiness

Earth has both. A life can feel both pain and paradise. But of course, a life on earth is complete different of hell and heaven.

When i see the suffers of the humans. Their suffers are not the same as hell. The same as paradise as not the same as heaven

I ask GOD what the purpose for the humans life on earth

GOD said "To test their heart, believe and submission"

That all GOD said. But i understand what what GOD meant. Seeming i always watch the humans life on earth.

While i am still waiting for my human. I study the humans life on earth. I always have a question about their souls when they died

So i went to one of the angels

"Dear angel, would you mind answer my question?" I ask

"Of course, dear zero" angel said

"When a human died and their soul come out but why their appearance of their soul complete difference from their vessel. I have seen the most beautiful woman live on earth but when she died, her soul reveal a very horrified appearance and the smell on her is terrible and i notice another woman who was very ugly and disable but when she died, her soul reveal very stunning woman and her smell so heavenly.

Why is that?" I ask

"Dear zero, to answer your question is very simple. It because of their heart" angel answer

I give him a questioning look

"You have to understand. A human body is only a shell from revealing their true appearance. Ugly or beauty. If the heart is beautiful then the soul is beautiful. If the heart is ugly then the soul is ugly. So humans beauty is base on their heart. Not their vessel" angel answer

I nod in understatement. Then i ask another question.

"Can i ask, why sometimes GOD put the soul into incomplete vessel. You know, that the humans called disable. Even though their souls are created with complete form" I ask

"That all because of a test the GOD given to them"

"Huh?" I'm confuse

"Everything the humans live on earth is actually a test for them. Like a human born with disable. Those are test for them. Whether they can be patient with their body or not. It also for those born with miserable and painful life. That kind of life is also a test from GOD. Anything and everything that the humans counter in their life on earth. Everything is a test from GOD."

"To put it simply, the earth is the world of TEST for humans. Once they finish their life on earth. That when they will call on judgement and GOD decide which life they will put in. Hell or heaven"

"That right"

I quiet for a minute and felt my human

I gasp as i sense my human soul. My eyes fill with tears of happiness. My human has finally been save

I run to the gate and watch my human

I can see him. Sitting on the rock in nearby lake crying as i heard him pray

"O' GOD if your out there. Please forgive me. Please forgive my terrible sins"

I smile of happiness. My human is save. He no longer can go to HELL

"You must be happy. As your human been save" as tears of happiness fall out

"Yes, and it also thanks to YOU for forgiving my human for his terrible sins." I smile

"Your welcome zero. But you don't have to thank me as I always forgive humans no matter how immense the sins they made on earth"

I smile as i continue watch my human still crying

Years pass on earth. My human has gotten old only an hour left before his time

After he ask forgiveness. That when his life change from luxury to poor and pain

I always watch as people always torture him. Revenge everything he had done. But my human patience as he accept the anger of the people and the punishment that the GOD given him

His time almost up as he was destine to burn alive in the flame

I watch him burn as he died. When he died, his soul release from his vessel. I couldn't but admire him. How beautiful his soul is. Even though his vessel became ugly from the torture. Then again, the human vessel is not that important. But the soul

As he stand in front of two gate of hell and heaven. His body react and automatically and walk to hell

It usual when a human die. The body react on it own. They only stop if they were interrupt

Before he could step into hell. I spoke

"Where are you going?" As my human turn around. Gasping right in front of him

He shock to see the most beautiful person he ever met. Not even the most beautiful princess can compare this beauty

I smile reading his mind

I walk closer and take his hand. Making him follow me.

We both now stand in front of the heaven gate

"Why am i here? I should go to hell because I've done many terrible thing. I killed many and destroy a lot. I don't deserve to be in heaven" my human cried

I smile as i embrace him

"Your right, you killed many. Women, children, men and even destroy many villagers just so you could take their riches. But...... you did realize everything you had done was wrong and pray for GOD forgiveness...."

My human look down in guilt

"And GOD forgive you for that" this make my human snap up. Looking at me disbelieve

"Why would GOD forgive me. I've done terrible sins. I did things that made GOD angry. So why would GOD forgive me" as tears run down from his eyes

"That because you finally return to GOD" as he give me a confuse look

"When you live on earth. You live in luxury life. Not caring about anything. Not even caring about GOD. It true, GOD really angry everything you had done. Even though GOD angry but GOD would never fully angry. You know why, because GOD knew that one day. You will return to GOD. That all GOD wanted. After years GOD waiting for you to return to GOD. To submit to GOD. GOD finally have that from you and now GOD happy. So please, don't think GOD the same as you human. You yourself know that GOD is different than anything" i said as i embrace him

I turn my head and saw the angel of death as he waited for me to let go of my human

I let go my human as the angel took his hand and drag him to the heaven

Before he could enter. He stop and look at me

"Aren't you coming?" He ask

I shake my head "No, i have yet to complete my task" as i saw his sadness. Knowing he wanted me to be with him

"Don't worry, i will be with you once i finish my task. You have to wait for me" i smile

He smile and happily nod. He step inside the heaven and the gate close

I can feel GOD beside me

"Now your human had complete his task on earth. It your turn zero"

I nod. As i am ready for my new life on earth

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