Waiting for her human (kiara P.O.V)

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While i was waiting my human. I am playing with her son. Whom she killed because her husband order her to

Yup, my birth because of my human killing her own child. Or should say abortion

It's okay for the mothers to abort their children. If the mothers have trouble against her health and can cause death. Then she can abort it

Other reasons is prohibited

While i playing with her son and at the same time leading him to heaven

But as usual, the moment he recognize the gate. That when he immediately stop following me. As always he said the same thing

"I will not enter heaven without my mother"

It is same thing all the children said. Waiting for their mothers

But i always wonders. Some children immediately gone to heaven without waiting their mothers

But why weren't some of them?

I study all the children on earth who were murdered very cruelly. I totally disgusted how some adults really loves killing the innocent. Mostly the children

While i was watching the sins that been written all the actions they had done.

I finally understand

To those haven't reach their maturity. The sins will not be written and always remained pure.

To those who reached their maturity. Their sins will start be written until their death

If the humans start his/her maturities at the edge of nine to fifteen that when the sins will written in their book

So before they reach their maturity. They did not receive any sins and always remained pure.

For girls are their period. The proves they are mature enough to have babies and have lust to do sexual intercourse 

For boys are their wet dreams and sexual desires. The proves they are mature enough to have desire for women and have the ability to impregnated women to have babies.

Sometimes i wonders. Why humans always thought that adult mind can proves they reached their maturity. Which is half true. But if the humans realized. Not all adults have the minds of an adult. In fact, some of the adults have the mind of a little kids. Always wanted to have fun.

I watched and watched as many children being killed, slaughtered and sacrifices.

90% the children were killed are girls only 10% are boys

No wonders, the population of women are so much lower than the population of men.

Because the men keep killing the women. Their only excuses is that women are disgrace to the human kind and they are weak

Which is bullshit because whose the one that gave birth to the next generations and willing to die for the next generations to live

Of course it women. Because only women are gifted with that kind of ability. Which men can't do

Honestly, why can't they see that

I truly don't understand.

I watched my human as she was beaten by her husband. Making her as his slave while he's having fun with his other women

My human cried as she prayed to GOD to give her a better life and to be with her son again.

I smile knowing she will have that kind of life very soon

I can see her time is almost up. As she still endure the pain that she had been receive from her husband.

I always heard her husband always said.

Why didn't she killed herself and stay out of his life

The way she answer making me proud of her

"I cannot killed myself because my life is not in my hands. I don't have the right to kill my own life except GOD. I cannot stay away from your life because you did not said the sacred divorce words and the agreement to divorce in public. As long you didn't do any of that, i will remained your wife until my death"

She is such a strong woman who do everything she can to be a good wife for her husband and do everything she can to help her husband to guide to the right path.

Her time finally up. As she died because of poisons that one of her husband's mistress given to her

The angel of death pull out her soul from her vessel as i was awwed at her

She had become the most stunning woman i have ever seen. Even more stunning than her own vessel

She stood in front of another angel. As angel give her same first three questions and the next

"Did you try to prevent your husband from aborting your son?"


"What did you do to prevent it?"

"I tried to reason with him. Stay far away from him as possible"

"Did you love your son?"

"I love my son. That why i try to protect him from being killed by my husband"

"Did you guide your husband to the right path?"

"Yes. I have done everything to guide him to the right path. But he's still did not change after i tried my best to guide him"

I smile at my human answer. Everything she said is the truth.

Which is no surprise everything they said is the truth. Because they no longer have the ability to lie

I saw her child immediately run to his mother and give her a hug.

My human cried in happiness as she finally be able to be with her son again.

Oh how she misses her son so much.

I smile in happiness as i step forward. Making both of them look at me

My human look at me in shock and aww at the same time.

I smile knowing my human never seen such beautiful person before

"Come on, let walk to paradise together" as i watch her son been tugging her hand trying to walk with him to heaven

My human smile as we all walk to the gate together. They both finally enter the gate while i stay behind

My human saw me that i did not enter the gate with them but her son cut her off

"Mom, kiara will not be with us until her task is finish. Oh kiara, when you meet my father. Please say hi to him and please guide my father to the right path so he could be with us"

I nod as a promise

The gate of heaven finally close.

Now, my journey have begun to go to earth

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