Beginning of creation of blood rose vampires

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In a time, where there was no harmony in the humans life and in humans heart

The humans would always do anything to fulfill their desire even though they knew in their instinct was wrong

The GOD had been very angry, sad and disappointed in the humans. No matter how many time the GOD give them direction and everything they ever wanted. All the GOD receive was betrayal

The GOD most angry was when the humans tried to create a new being. A being that was more destructive and can use it to take over the world

Of course, in GOD power. GOD made sure all the humans planned in creating new creation will failed and those people that had been sacrifice for the experiment. Died and return to GOD

But GOD knew the humans would do anything to create new beings

As a result, GOD decide to grant the humans pray to create new being for them.

A being, very powerful, destructive, immortality and beauty. Just like the humans wanted.

But of course GOD he made sure that the creation will be a lot different then the humans  but also the same

He order the angels to go down the earth and take all the humans blood and animals blood (that been killed cruelty), and take a rose of hell, heaven and earth

The angels obey the GOD command and retrieve the blood and roses

The GOD mix the roses with blood and planted them between the gate of heaven, hell and earth

"Everytime a human killed a life. Even if it the smallest. A being known as a vampire will be born and will wait the human for his/her death. Until that day come, the vampire will decide the fate of the human whether they will help them or drag them to HELL." The GOD said

Like GOD promise. Everytime a human killed. Vampires were born and they waited for their humans and decided their fate

Some humans, the vampires drag them to HELL but some humans spare and help them to heaven

One day, the GOD told the vampires. That they will live on earth with the humans. The GOD also said that GOD wanted them to show the humans the life they were suppose to be lead. Not the life full of suffering and pain

One of the vampire ask

"Dear GOD, we do not want to live on earth with the humans that corrupted. If we go down, the humans heart will be more corrupted than before and will thought of us gods. We do not want for the humans to betrayed you more than they already are" he said in gentle tone

"I already know that will happen. That is why, by bringing you all to earth will be test of the humans heart. And you my dear vampires will be the guidance, savior and torturous for the humans. Whether it is on earth or afterlife" The GOD said

"Very well, we will accept your command and go down to earth. But not all of us go down to earth. As YOU can read our heart and mind knew what we meant" the other vampire said

"Very well, only to those whose humans killed another humans can go down to earth and rest that wasn't killed another humans will remained here eternally" The GOD said

The vampires bow and say thank you to the GOD

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