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The worst part of your first day, I walked into the lunch room feeling like the whole world was looking at me. I rolled my eyes...typical new girl getting all the stares.

I walked over towards the table were June was.

"Hey June can I sit with you guys?" I asked looking around as she had a smirk plastered right across her face.

"Sure." She said patting the spot next to her.

"So you like Niall the one with blonde hair right?" I asked and she nodded slightly a blush creeping up to her cheeks. "Why?" She asked. "He is checking you out right now." I stated pointing slightly towards where the irish boy stood eyeing June up and down.

"He so isn't probably looking at some brunnette cheerleader or like Giovanna." She stated looking down blushing and picking at her food.

I ate the apple that I had snuck from home no way was I eating cafeteria food, I didt need it.

"Yea right, Giovanna is ugly compared to you." I chuckled, I looked up to see Niall, Liam, Louis, Harry and Zayn walking towards us.

"Hey Addison." louis called cheerfully sitting down across from me, Harry next to him, Niall next to him and Zayn next to me and Liam next to June.

"Hey Addison." Zayn whispered and I turned my head to him my breath slightly stopping at the distance between us.

"I was wondering do you want to hang out maybe after school at my place like on a date?" He asked his golden brown eyes looking at me with such innocence.

"Yea I would lo-" i began replying.

"Slut get off my boyfriend." I heard a familiar voice yell I looked over to see that girl I met; Bonnie yea her name was Bonnie.

"I am not your boyfriend." Zayn groaned.

I chuckled.

"Did you just call me a slut?" I asked standing up.

"Addi don't." I heard June plead.

"No, I don't tolerate being called a slut when the actual slut here is you with your tight ass dresses and fake tits." I stormed towards the girl.

"ooh, the new girl swore." Bonnie cackled, like actually cakled like a witch.

"You bitch." I swore and jumped on her throwing punches, slaps and scratching.

"OH MY GOD GET THIS THING OFF OF ME!" I heard her scream, I hopped off after being pulled by Zayn.

I looked over to see the beautful piece of art work I had created she had cuts bruises and scratches surrouning her face, she glared and stormed off with Giovanna and that other girl Lillianne who was slightly smirking but attempting to hide it. I looked around at all the people who had been watching some were again shocked but some of the people like the nerds loked pleased.

"Zayn, pick me up at the front of the school." I said smirking and walking off.

I leaned against the front wall of the school waiting for Zayn.

I watched as Harry left the school with some slut he looked at me and glared flicking his cigarrette onto the ground and stomping on it before jumping in the car with the girl, I made a face god he was annoying.

"Hey there." i heard a familiar voice say.

"Hey Zayn." i said smiling at him I slighlty could see a girl from the corner of my eye  with light blonde hair glaring at me she was wearing glasses but not the type of hipster glasses the old type of glasses i rolled my eyes looking away.

"Let's go." He said taking my hand in his.

I took one last glance at the girl and she had already left... strange.

We walked over to a bike.

"oooh nice ride."

"ADDISON!" I heard a very familiar voice scream too familiar, I turned around shit shit shit.

"Hey Mum." I smirked.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" she screamed walking closer, i gripped Zayn's hand probably a little too tightly but he didn't say anything.

"I am going on a date sorry I didn't text you, but i should go now, bye mother." I said hopping on the bike and slipping on the helmet.

"Drive." I said and he nodded kicking the bike to start it up and I gripped my arms around his waiste loosely as we drove, after around ten minutes we pulled into a large house that had another house joined to it, there were around seven other cars that  were parked, wow he must have a big family.

"Come on." he said smiling, damn that smile made me wobbly.

I sound like a girl, wait I am a girl I laughed mentally.

"The other guys live here." Zayn stated.

"Oh." I said.

He opened the door and I walked in first and he gripped my waist walking in with me.

"What shal we do?" Zayn purred in my ear giving me goosbumps all over my skin.

"I-I don't know." I stuttered. Damn Addison now you really sound like a girly girl and I was not a girly girl no I was far from it.

"Let's get some food first." Zayn said picking me up bridal style and walking towards the kitchen. When I lay in his chest it didn't feel all to right; not like how all those soppy movies are like how you fit right in their chest.

We walked into the kitchen and I hopped out of Zayn's arms.

"What is she doing here?" I heard a familiar british accent ask, I groaned.

I looked up to meet his eyes.

"nice to see you too, jerk face." I said I sat in one of the kitchen chairs and smirked at Harry.

"Oh fuck off," He said just then the blonde bimbo from school walked in and gripped onto Harry's belt I made a face. "Not now Shai." He growled.

"Aw Harry why don't you go, we won't miss you." I said smirking evily at him as his mouth dropped slightly I walked up to him. "Just because you are covered in tattoos doesn't make you a bad boy." I whispered in his ear and leaned back out walking over to Zayn and holding his hand as he smirked.

"You're face is so red." Zayn said chuckling at Harry and I laughed as Harry stormed out with the bimbo on his arm.

"That was hot." Zayn said slightly leaning in.

I was kissing a guy on my first day, way to go Addison be the slut that kisses a guy that she just meant.

I kissed back of course but of course something wasn't right but why should I give a fuck may as well have fun on the last year....

When Bad meets BadTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang